The Open Contracting Data Standard is a framework designed to increase transparency and access to public procurement data in the public sector.
It is widely used by governments and organisations worldwide to report on procurement processes and contracts.
The OCID, or Open Contracting Identifier, is a key element of this standard.
The OCID is a globally unique identifier for each contracting process.
Each OCID is unique, which ensures that each contracting process can be distinctly and universally recognised.
This means that all information related to a single contracting process, from the planning stage to tender and award, can be easily linked and traced using the OCID.
Use Open Contracting Identifiers to track call-offs from Frameworks, DPS, and multi-award tenders.
With D3 Tenders, you can search for contracts by OCID - and you can see all the published contracts at each stage of the procurement process.
TenderPublished: 19th February 2025 Find a Tender Service
The Parole Commissioners Northern Ireland (PCNI) requires the provision of legal services under the following headings and in accordance with the specification: a.) Judicial Review and other proceedings Accept instructions in relation to taking or defending judicial review and other proceedings specifically relating to the legislation governing the Life Sentences (Northern Ireland) Order 2001 and the Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2008; attend to the filing of all pleadings and documents of record; provide attendance records of court proceedings; represent the PCNI at hearings of any application for leave and at any substantive hearings. Instruct Counsel as appropriate. Take all necessary steps up to and including the hearing of the matter [...]
TenderPublished: 19th February 2025 Contracts Finder
Kent Fire and Rescue Service are advertising this tender for the provision, servicing and maintenance of UPS and Generators with the initial contract term of 2 years with 3 optional 12-month extensions. The scope includes the servicing, maintenance and adhoc repair of all units, as well as site wide replacement of UPS units and the adhoc lease of generators as the need arises. [...]
TenderPublished: 19th February 2025 Find a Tender Service
The Northern Ireland Prison Service, (NIPS) wishes to establish a contract(s) for the Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies. This Tender will be divided into the following four (4) Lots/contracts:- Lot 1 – Waste Bins, Laundry and Shower Accessories, Lot 2 – Bin Liners, Plastic and Paper Bags, Lot 3 – Brushes, Mops, Buckets and Accessories and Lot 4 – Cleaning Products and Accessories. Under the scope of this contract, the Supplier(s) will be required to supply and deliver a range of janitorial items as specified in the accompanying Tender documentation to the 3 Prison establishment Locations listed in the Specification document. The contracts will be awarded for a fixed term [...]
TenderPublished: 19th February 2025 Find a Tender Service
Procurement Assist invites organisations to participate in a 48-month Framework Agreement for Property Services and associated services to its current and future Members across domestic and commercial sites. The Framework Agreement may be used by (but not limited to) all NHS Trusts, Social Housing Providers, Local Authorities, Blue Light Services, Education, Charities and all other contracting authorities that are located in the United Kingdom including those listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015/102. [...]
TenderPublished: 19th February 2025 Find a Tender Service
The Procurement is in relation to a 24/7/365 day to day responsive repairs and planned preventative maintenance service to various mechanical and electrical building installations, together with some planned replacements of plant and equipment to our housing stock under a Term Alliance Contract. The work (‘Tasks’) are split into three Lots that are in turn divided into five geographical Areas. [...]
TenderPublished: 19th February 2025 Find a Tender Service
The University of Suffolk require a suitably experienced and capable supplier to provide hire of a marquee and luxury portable toilet facilities for the University’s graduation ceremonies in October 2025, with a University only option to extend the contract on four occasions, each extension being for one additional year, making the maximum contract length 5 years in total.
The maximum estimated total value in II 1.5 only applies if the contract is extended and is subject to inflationary increase after the initial 12 months.
The graduation ceremonies will take place from Saturday 18 to Wednesday 22 October 2025 at the University of Suffolk on the Ipswich waterfront. The marquee and toilet [...]