Public Procurement Contract Search & Tender Alerts

Your open data platform for public sector opportunities.

D3 Tenders Alerts.

Elevate business growth with free tender search

Our mission is to provide open access to public procurement contracting data

Contract Search Free

Search public procurement contracts like a pro

Level-up your contract search - we're optimised for relevance, retrievability, findability, and precision

Grow your business

Tap into public sector growth, achieve ambitions, and boost revenue by winning opportunities. Navigate this dynamic landscape, positioning your organization for sustained success.

Save time & money

Discover contracts faster, saving time and money for strategic bidding. Enjoy the convenience of free search over multiple tender portals, optimising your resources for maximum impact.

Make search simple

Simplify your search journey - pinpoint what you need with ease. Gain visibility into contracts, buyers, and target industries, empowering you to make informed decisions and achieve success.

Save more time and grow even faster with alerts

Save contract search queries: we'll run those queries for you every day, then email the results in a CRM-ready CSV file

Unlimited Licences
Unlimited Profiles
Unlimited CSV Alerts
Free Registration

Elevate business efficiency with free tender alerts

A time-saving automation that empowers you to focus on what matters most

Tender Alerts Free

Win more contracts with D3 Tenders Alerts

Gain a competitive edge with insights delivered straight to your inbox, courtesy of our advanced contract alert system

Unlimited Licences

One service, unlimited licences. Elevate your business by granting each team member exclusive access boosting efficiency and driving success across your entire business.

Unlimited Profiles

Ensure relevance with unlimited hyper-targeted search profiles. Target diverse sectors, regions, and contract types with precision and minimal effort for unparalleled business growth potential.

Unlimited CSV Alerts

Revolutionise your public sector sales. Our tender alerts deliver vital CSV data including contact info straight to your inbox, streamlining the leads process for unparalleled efficiency and success.