Public Procurement Contract Analytics

Unlock the power of procurement market analysis by transforming public sector contracts into public sector insights.
D3 Tenders Analytics.

Analytics Workshops

Join us on a free analytics workshop - we'll listen to your analytics requirements and analyse the public procurement market with you.

The workshop will be led by Dr. Stuart Mackie, a PhD-qualified industry-experienced Data Scientist with over 6 years of public procurement contracting data analytics experience. We'll ensure you leave the call with actionable insights about which buyers are procuring your goods and/or services and what contracts your competitors are winning.

Analytics Dashboards

Our suite of realtime data analytics dashboards provide you with the tools and knowledge to navigate the complex landscape of public procurement with confidence. Get a comprehensive overview of procurement activity, understand which buyers are procuring your goods or services, identify which suppliers are winning contracts, and leverage data-driven insights to target opportunities.

Analytics Dashboards.
Dashboards for every analytics use case

Our comprehensive suite of dashboards are designed to support every aspect of public procurement contract analytics. Whether you need to assess market-wide trends, dig into industry-specific activity, evaluate competing suppliers, or monitor contract lifecycles, our dashboards provide the insights you need.

Easy to use self-service analytics

From high-level overviews to granular details, our dashboards offer a range of perspectives to support your unique analytics requirements. With intuitive visualisations and interactive data panels, you can easily explore and drill down into the data, uncovering actionable insights to inform your procurement strategies - and share compelling data stories with your stakeholders.

Data discovery and export

Our analytics platform empowers business users to quickly search, explore, and export vast amounts of public procurement data with ease. An intuitive interface and powerful search capabilities support you to find the exact data you need, and then export custom sets of fields in a CRM-ready CSV format.

Market Reports

Our Market Reports provide you with a snapshot of the public procurement landscape, enabling you to get answers to specific questions about key trends and and uncover market opportunities. Gain valuable insights into buyer behavior, competitor activity, and market dynamics to inform your public sector sales strategy and maximize your business growth ambitions.

Market Reports.
Get a focussed overview of the market

Our Market Reports provide a comprehensive overview of the public procurement landscape, highlighting key trends, significant contracts, and notable market developments. These reports offer a high-level perspective, enabling you to stay informed about the latest market dynamics and make strategic decisions that boost growth.

Sector-Specific Insights

Dive deep into specific sectors of interest with our targeted Market Reports. Whether you are focusing on healthcare, construction, IT, or any other industry, our reports provide detailed insights into sector-specific procurement patterns, key players, and emerging opportunities. These insights help you align your strategies with sector-specific trends and stay ahead of the competition.

Supplier Landscape Analysis

Gain a thorough understanding of the supplier landscape with our Market Reports. These reports offer a comprehensive analysis of key suppliers, their market share, performance metrics, and comparative insights. By understanding the supplier landscape, you can identify potential partners, benchmark your performance, and make informed decisions about market engagement.

Data Exports

Our Data Export solution provides you with complete access to all the contracting data you need, with custom data layouts tailored to your specific requirements. With contract data exports you can easily integrate valuable leads into your CRM system - empowering your team to make data-driven decisions that drive growth.

Data Exports.
Flexible Data Selection

Our Data Exports service allows you to query the specific data fields and date ranges that are most relevant to your needs. Whether you require data on notices, awards, buyers, suppliers, or any other aspect of public procurement, you can customize your data exports to include only the information you need.

CRM-ready CSV data format

We understand that different users have different data integration and analysis requirements. That's why our Data Exports service supports custom CSV exports. You can choose the fields that best align with your existing tools and workflows, ensuring seamless data integration with spreadsheets, databases, and CRMs.

API access for realtime data feeds

In addition to our flexible manual export options, we also offer API integration capabilities for real-time data access. Our API allows you to programmatically retrieve relevant public procurement contracting data into your own systems and applications, supporting developers to feed live contracting data into your organisation's business intelligence tools.