
ASC0311 - Best Interest Assessor (BIA)


  • Contract Timeline

    Publication Date

    11th December 2024 22:05:41 PM

    Tender Deadline

    13th January 2025 14:00:00 PM   22 days remaining

  • Contract Summary

    Leicester City Council ('the Authority') invites tenders for the provision of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Best Interest Assessors (BIA) for Leicester. The BIA Service will assist the Council to deliver their statutory responsibilities, as outlined in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and subsequent Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), to ensure that where a decision to deprive someone of their liberty is required it is made lawfully and based on relevant best practice, guidance and case law. The proposed Contract will be for an initial period of 3 years to commence on 7th July 2025, with an option to extend, subject to satisfactory performance outcomes and agreement by the Authority, for a further period, or periods, up to a total of 2 years, taking the contract term to a maximum of 5 years up to 6th July 2030. The proposed service is based on current and known funding allocations. These could alter through the life of the contract in light of changes in future local and central government funding. The contract value assigned to this service is £160,000 per annum, £800,000 for the full 5 year contract period. Further information in respect of this tender opportunity is contained within the Invitation to Tender documentation. The Authority is conducting this procurement under the Light Touch Regime for Social and Other Specific Services, as set out in the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR), at Section 7 (Regulations 74 to 77). The Procurement process will be similar to that of an Open Procedure however, the Process will, unlike an Open Procedure, include the flexibility, as allowed under the Light Touch Regime. The Invitation to Tender document and with the appendices and all other documentation issued to Tenderers sets out the details of the Authority's requirements and how to submit your Tender. An Online Microsoft Teams Tenderers Information Session is being held on 18th December 2024 commencing at 10:30. Further details regarding how to register for this session is also contained within the Invitation to Tender documentation.

  • Contract Details

    Open Contracting ID


    Publication Source

    Contracts Finder

    Procurement Stage


    Procurement Method


    Procurement Method Details

    Open Procedure (above Threshold)

    Procurement Category


    Tender Suitability


    Framework / DPS

  • Contract Classification

    CPV Code(s)


    CPV Division(s)

    85 - Health and social work services

  • Awarding Authority


    Buyer Name

    Muhammad Sidat

    Buyer Email


    Buyer Phone

    +44 1164543325

    Buyer Address

    City Hall, 115 Charles Strees


    LE1 1FZ
