EN:Procure - Framework for Installation, Refurbishment and/or Maintenance to Lifts, Stairlifts and Personal Lifting Equipment (GEN4)
Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
20th December 2024 10:14:01 AM
- Tender Deadline
21st February 2025 12:00:00 PM 61 days remaining
Contract Summary
EN:PROCURE LIMITED ("ENP") is a social housing regeneration consortium based in the North of England. ENP specialises in the procurement of goods, works and services for the construction and maintenance of social housing properties but may extend to other property types that are owned or managed by our Members. ENP wishes to procure and enter into a framework agreement with multiple Contractors for the completion of various installation, refurbishment, servicing and maintenance works of lifts, stairlifts and personal lifting equipment to residential, public and/or commercial buildings. The typical types of lifts covered under this Framework will be (including but not limited to): • Passenger lift: hydraulic MRL • Passenger lift: traction MRL • Traction passenger lifts • Hydraulic passenger lifts • Goods lift: hydraulic MRL • Goods lift: traction MRL • Goods lift hydraulic • Goods lift traction • Service lifts: dumb waiter • Service lifts: trolley lift • Inclined and vertical platform lifts • Curved or Straight Stairlifts • Hoists • Through Floor Lifts • Wheelchair Platform Lifts • Step Lifts • Ceiling track hoists Call offs under the framework may be undertaken on a on a single stage or multi-stage call-off basis, with provisions for early Contractor involvement. The Contractor(s) will be expected to provide the works to a high standard and are expected to share ENP's commitment to regeneration, specifically the creation of training, work placement, educational activity, direct and shared apprenticeship, and new employment opportunities. Over the term of the framework ENP will expect Contractor(s) to develop their own ESG strategies as appropriate to bring wider benefits to ENP and its Members. The lots for the framework are: • Lot 1 - Installation and Refurbishment to Lifts, Stairlifts and Personal Lifting Equipment • Lot 2 - Servicing and Maintenance to Lifts, Stair Lifts and Personal Lifting Equipment The tender documents can be accessed free of charge at: https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=d90f863e-b3bb-ef11-8132-005056b64545&fromProjectDashboard=True
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
Open Procedure (above Threshold)
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
45000000 - CPV Division(s)
42 - Industrial machinery
45 - Construction work
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Istvan Baranyi
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
+44 3306061460
- Buyer Address
Collaboration Works, 2 Carbrook Street, Carbrook
S9 2JE