
UY PROC 1134 Preliminary Market Consultation HR Transformation Technical Implementation Partner


  • Contract Timeline

    Publication Date

    4th September 2024 16:41:57 PM

    Tender Deadline

    24th September 2024 11:00:00 AM   12 days remaining

  • Contract Summary

    FTS reference 2024/S 000-028324 The University of York is seeking to undertake a change programme to define and deliver a new HR operating model with anticipated changes to people, process and technology. A core element of this transformation will be the implementation of a new cloud based HR and Payroll solution and supporting infrastructure and integration capabilities. The University anticipates partnering with a third party to act as our Technical Implementation Partner (TIP) to identify, design and configure the HR application and infrastructure solution(s), establish the solution, integration, data and reporting architectures and support data migration, testing, go-live and cutover. We expect to run a single procurement exercise for a Technical Implementation Partner who will have sole ownership of the solution(s) and accountability for delivering the requirements. The University invites potential TIPs to respond to our current transformation outcomes and requirements, informing our planning and business case assumptions. The University has not yet decided whether to access an existing framework or instigate a separate procurement; at this stage, the University wishes to understand the solution market, timelines, expected cost ranges and optimal routes to procurement in order to help finalise its detailed business case and requirements prior to commencing a competitive procurement process. Preliminary Market Engagement (PME) allows the University to engage with a market. PME is designed to encourage the commercial and voluntary sectors to engage with the development process before a procurement is released. This is the market's opportunity to express its views, outline market developments and generally influence how solutions to the University's needs might be met. There is nothing for the University to evaluate/or select in this activity. PME is not a call for competition. Following PME, the University may conclude that procurement is not the best solution to meet a particular strategy outcome. The University may conclude that it would be better to do something entirely different to the intent within this PME. It is essential that any organisation participating in the PME understands that a procurement opportunity is not guaranteed. It is therefore essential that organisations understand that this activity is not part of a procurement exercise and involvement in the PME does not affect an organisation's positioning either positively or negatively should a procurement opportunity arise subsequently. The University will release a PME to: a) Share information to inform the market of a potential, impending procurement, such that they might make preparations for the tender if/when it is released b) Gather information to develop the University's strategy or c) Do both We therefore recommend that if there is no intent to engage in the PME, it is better to sustain interest in activity on In-Ten... Additional information: All communication to be undertaken through our e-sender In-tend https://in-tendhost.co.uk/york/aspx/Home Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No

  • Contract Details

    Open Contracting ID


    Publication Source

    Contracts Finder

    Procurement Stage


    Procurement Method


    Procurement Method Details

    Open Procedure (below Threshold)

    Procurement Category


    Tender Suitability


    Framework / DPS

  • Contract Classification

    CPV Code(s)


    CPV Division(s)

    48 - Software package and information systems
    72 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support

  • Awarding Authority


    Buyer Name

    Rachel Devaney

    Buyer Email


    Buyer Phone

    +44 1904 328207

    Buyer Address

    Heslington, York

    North Yorkshire

    YO10 5DD

    United Kingdom