Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
7th January 2025 16:18:06 PM
Contract Summary
The work will cover a representative sample of UK Local Authorities predominantly Waste Collection Authorities and Unitaries with a small number of Waste Disposal Authorities The local authorities will be identified by Defra and allocated to the Contractor. It is anticipated that some of the local authorities will have completed the data collection exercise previously for Year 1 and some will be newly invited to take part. Data for all the identified LAs will need to be collected and then collated. Defra will provide the contractor with: • An introductory letter to share with the Local Authority as part of the recruitment process • A template Request for Information spreadsheet with fixed formatting, clear guidance on data required, a quality assurance tab to be completed and an efficiency summary • Guidance on the data collection process to by followed and quality assurance that is expected to be carried out and recorded • For local authorities that previously took part in the exercise the 21/22 RFI will be shared for information The contractor should undertake quality assurance and data cleansing on the data collected. All data should be provided in the correct format with consistent QA checks and number formats to enable the data to be read by the model. For A. Year 2 Cost RFI Collection the schemes to be covered are: • Collection data o overheads o residual waste (kerbside, flats/communal) o all separate and co-mingled collections for recycling (kerbside, flats/communal, LA-operated bring banks). o limited information about separate collections which are very unlikely to include packaging such as textiles, batteries, AHPs and WEEE. The information would not need to be detailed; a simple yes/no would suffice. o food waste, including where it is collected separately or mixed with garden waste (kerbside, flats/communal) o garden waste • Income • Disposal data o Overheads o HWRCs o Transfer stations, treatment and disposal facilities o Haulage For avoidance of doubt, bulky waste, street cleansing, litter bins, litter sweeping, parks and gardens, gully emptying, fly tipping clearance and beach cleaning services are excluded from scope.
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
Single Tender Action (below Threshold)
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
- CPV Division(s)
73 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Chris Stonehouse
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
07900 036919
- Buyer Address
Seacole Building, 2 Marsham St,
United Kingdom
Awarded Supplier(s)