Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
31st January 2025 14:21:01 PM
- TenderAmendment Deadline
20th February 2025 17:00:00 PM Expired
Contract Summary
The specific health and wellbeing needs and experiences of LGBTQIA+ people in The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) and The City of Westminster (WCC) are currently not fully understood. A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is being undertaken to understand the service provision in RBKC and WCC for the LGBTQIA+ community and to improve understanding of what is needed to for this community across the whole life approach. This project seeks to undertake community engagement across RBKC and WCC to better understand the needs of LGBTQIA+ communities and feed into the JSNA. Additional information: This opportunity and all associated procurement documents will be accessible via our City of Westminster Procurement and Contracts portal ("the Portal"), kindly visit https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com and search for the following reference: ITT_30254. If you have any questions, please submit these through the portal. Our portal is free to register on. To view details of the Opportunity via the Portal please click the following link and click on Opportunities: https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com Or browse as follows: - Connect to https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com - Enter your Username and Password - Go to Published Opportunities - Click on the Project Title to view details
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
Open Procedure (below Threshold)
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
98330000 - CPV Division(s)
73 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
98 - Other community, social and personal services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Westminster City Council
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
- Buyer Address
64 Victoria Street
Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
30th January 2025 12:25:32 PM
- Tender Deadline
13th February 2025 17:00:00 PM Expired
Contract Summary
The specific health and wellbeing needs and experiences of LGBTQIA+ people in The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) and The City of Westminster (WCC) are currently not fully understood. A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is being undertaken to understand the service provision in RBKC and WCC for the LGBTQIA+ community and to improve understanding of what is needed to for this community across the whole life approach. This project seeks to undertake community engagement across RBKC and WCC to better understand the needs of LGBTQIA+ communities and feed into the JSNA. Additional information: This opportunity and all associated procurement documents will be accessible via our City of Westminster Procurement and Contracts portal ("the Portal"), kindly visit https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com and search for the following reference: ITT_30254. If you have any questions, please submit these through the portal. Our portal is free to register on. To view details of the Opportunity via the Portal please click the following link and click on Opportunities: https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com Or browse as follows: - Connect to https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com - Enter your Username and Password - Go to Published Opportunities - Click on the Project Title to view details
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
Open Procedure (below Threshold)
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
98330000 - CPV Division(s)
73 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
98 - Other community, social and personal services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Westminster City Council
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
- Buyer Address
64 Victoria Street