Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
11th September 2024 08:49:13 AM
- Planning Deadline
20th September 2024 22:59:59 PM 7 days remaining
Contract Summary
TfL's success is directly linked to the effort and skills of its 26,000+ colleagues in delivering for our millions of customers, as well meeting its future challenges. TfL's aim is to become an even better place to work, where everyone can thrive. Our leadership cadre is key to delivering this inclusive and supportive culture, helping to navigate and provide clarity within a highly complex organisation that is subject to a lot of external scrutiny. In addition to meeting the development needs of current(people?) leaders at all levels, we are looking at how we can support those looking for a leadership career or moving through to more senior roles. We have a long tradition of delivering quality leadership development. Our vision now is move to a more joined up and comprehensive coverage of support across leadership levels and entry points. We want to continue to provide experiential development and look to utilise your latest thinking and techniques while embedding learning in real business & team priorities. Reflecting on our changing culture and the requirements of managers, we have changed our language to describe line-managers as people leaders and established a set of people leadership expectations. This Our People Leader Framework (OPL) is embedded in performance, recruitment and development. The OPL states that to be effective People Leaders they must: 1. Connect the team's purpose with delivering TfL's vision and values 2. Drive and inspires good performance 3. Create a caring, inclusive, safe and sustainable working environment 4. Collaborate and support others to achieve 5. Continuously develop and adapt to improve (service, team and self) We also have a Senior Leadership Strengths model that outlines the key attributes of our most senior leaders to inform recruitment and development. Both these frameworks would underpin any development. In turn any development would help embed them further through personalised, engaging and interactive experiential development. Our Learning and Development team provide a suite of eLearning and short courses that leaders can access around specific leadership and management topics. We are looking to enhance this leadership development suite with a more experiential and deeper learning journey. Lot1 - Senior Leadership Development provision, including o Executive 1:1 coaching, o Senior leadership development programmes o Being an effective Sponsor development. o Moving into senior leadership development Lot2 - First and mid-level leadership development, including for operational leaders o Group coaching o Experiential development programmes o Moving into a leadership role offering o 1:1 performance coaching o Includes strategies for integrating coaching into the business through the development of an in-house cadre of qualified coaches Lot 3 - 360 feedback tool and report administration, aligned to our leadership frameworks for leaders at all levels in the organisation Additional information: As part of this market sounding exercise, TfL wishes to seek your views on the extent of your capabilities and appetite for the provision of Leadership Development Services. TfL would appreciate your feedback in the form of a response to the following questionnaire, with the specific questions to be answered in the blank tables/boxes provided. Should you consider a particular question is not applicable to your organisation, please state "not applicable" in the tables/boxes provided. Please note responses to the questionnaire do not form part of any formal procurement process. Expected Tender window: October-November 2024 Contracts Awarded: March 2025 (Subject to change) Please email your response with subject title: TfL 96910 Learning Development MSQ -
to: ProcLearnDev@tfl.gov.uk MSQ completion by close of Friday 20 September 2024 TfL would like to thank you for taking the time to respond to this questionnaire -
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
80000000 - CPV Division(s)
79 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
80 - Education and training services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Hemal Patel
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
0343 222 1234
- Buyer Address
Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
10th September 2024 10:55:19 AM
- Planning Deadline
17th September 2024 22:59:59 PM 4 days remaining
Contract Summary
TfL's success is directly linked to the effort and skills of its 26,000+ colleagues in delivering for our millions of customers, as well meeting its future challenges. TfL's aim is to become an even better place to work, where everyone can thrive. Our leadership cadre is key to delivering this inclusive and supportive culture, helping to navigate and provide clarity within a highly complex organisation that is subject to a lot of external scrutiny. In addition to meeting the development needs of current(people?) leaders at all levels, we are looking at how we can support those looking for a leadership career or moving through to more senior roles. We have a long tradition of delivering quality leadership development. Our vision now is move to a more joined up and comprehensive coverage of support across leadership levels and entry points. We want to continue to provide experiential development and look to utilise your latest thinking and techniques while embedding learning in real business & team priorities. Reflecting on our changing culture and the requirements of managers, we have changed our language to describe line-managers as people leaders and established a set of people leadership expectations. This Our People Leader Framework (OPL) is embedded in performance, recruitment and development. The OPL states that to be effective People Leaders they must: 1. Connect the team's purpose with delivering TfL's vision and values 2. Drive and inspires good performance 3. Create a caring, inclusive, safe and sustainable working environment 4. Collaborate and support others to achieve 5. Continuously develop and adapt to improve (service, team and self) We also have a Senior Leadership Strengths model that outlines the key attributes of our most senior leaders to inform recruitment and development. Both these frameworks would underpin any development. In turn any development would help embed them further through personalised, engaging and interactive experiential development. Our Learning and Development team provide a suite of eLearning and short courses that leaders can access around specific leadership and management topics. We are looking to enhance this leadership development suite with a more experiential and deeper learning journey. Lot1 - Senior Leadership Development provision, including o Executive 1:1 coaching, o Senior leadership development programmes o Being an effective Sponsor development. o Moving into senior leadership development Lot2 - First and mid-level leadership development, including for operational leaders o Group coaching o Experiential development programmes o Moving into a leadership role offering o 1:1 performance coaching o Includes strategies for integrating coaching into the business through the development of an in-house cadre of qualified coaches Lot 3 - 360 feedback tool and report administration, aligned to our leadership frameworks for leaders at all levels in the organisation Additional information: As part of this market sounding exercise, TfL wishes to seek your views on the extent of your capabilities and appetite for the provision of Leadership Development Services. TfL would appreciate your feedback in the form of a response to the following questionnaire, with the specific questions to be answered in the blank tables/boxes provided. Should you consider a particular question is not applicable to your organisation, please state "not applicable" in the tables/boxes provided. Please note responses to the questionnaire do not form part of any formal procurement process. Expected Tender window: October-November 2024 Contracts Awarded: March 2025 (Subject to change) Please email your response with subject title: TfL 96910 Learning Development MSQ -
to: ProcLearnDev@tfl.gov.uk MSQ completion by close of Tuesday 17 September 2024 TfL would like to thank you for taking the time to respond to this questionnaire -
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
80000000 - CPV Division(s)
79 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
80 - Education and training services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Hemal Patel
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
0343 222 1234
- Buyer Address
Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
3rd September 2024 10:52:34 AM
- Planning Deadline
11th September 2024 22:59:59 PM Expired
Contract Summary
TfL's success is directly linked to the effort and skills of its 26,000+ colleagues in delivering for our millions of customers, as well meeting its future challenges. TfL's aim is to become an even better place to work, where everyone can thrive. Our leadership cadre is key to delivering this inclusive and supportive culture, helping to navigate and provide clarity within a highly complex organisation that is subject to a lot of external scrutiny. In addition to meeting the development needs of current(people?) leaders at all levels, we are looking at how we can support those looking for a leadership career or moving through to more senior roles. We have a long tradition of delivering quality leadership development. Our vision now is move to a more joined up and comprehensive coverage of support across leadership levels and entry points. We want to continue to provide experiential development and look to utilise your latest thinking and techniques while embedding learning in real business & team priorities. Reflecting on our changing culture and the requirements of managers, we have changed our language to describe line-managers as people leaders and established a set of people leadership expectations. This Our People Leader Framework (OPL) is embedded in performance, recruitment and development. The OPL states that to be effective People Leaders they must: 1. Connect the team's purpose with delivering TfL's vision and values 2. Drive and inspires good performance 3. Create a caring, inclusive, safe and sustainable working environment 4. Collaborate and support others to achieve 5. Continuously develop and adapt to improve (service, team and self) We also have a Senior Leadership Strengths model that outlines the key attributes of our most senior leaders to inform recruitment and development. Both these frameworks would underpin any development. In turn any development would help embed them further through personalised, engaging and interactive experiential development. Our Learning and Development team provide a suite of eLearning and short courses that leaders can access around specific leadership and management topics. We are looking to enhance this leadership development suite with a more experiential and deeper learning journey. Lot1 - Senior Leadership Development provision, including o Executive 1:1 coaching, o Senior leadership development programmes o Being an effective Sponsor development. o Moving into senior leadership development Lot2 - First and mid-level leadership development, including for operational leaders o Group coaching o Experiential development programmes o Moving into a leadership role offering o 1:1 performance coaching o Includes strategies for integrating coaching into the business through the development of an in-house cadre of qualified coaches Lot 3 - 360 feedback tool and report administration, aligned to our leadership frameworks for leaders at all levels in the organisation Additional information: As part of this market sounding exercise, TfL wishes to seek your views on the extent of your capabilities and appetite for the provision of Leadership Development Services. TfL would appreciate your feedback in the form of a response to the following questionnaire, with the specific questions to be answered in the blank tables/boxes provided. Should you consider a particular question is not applicable to your organisation, please state "not applicable" in the tables/boxes provided. Please note responses to the questionnaire do not form part of any formal procurement process. Expected Tender window: October-November 2024 Contracts Awarded: March 2025 (Subject to change) Please email your response with subject title: TfL 96910 Learning Development MSQ -
to: ProcLearnDev@tfl.gov.uk MSQ completion by close of Wednesday 11 September 2024 TfL would like to thank you for taking the time to respond to this questionnaire -
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
80000000 - CPV Division(s)
79 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
80 - Education and training services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Hemal Patel
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
0343 222 1234
- Buyer Address
Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
29th August 2024 14:40:59 PM
- Planning Deadline
11th September 2024 22:59:59 PM Expired
Contract Summary
TfL's success is directly linked to the effort and skills of its 26,000+ colleagues in delivering for our millions of customers, as well meeting its future challenges. TfL's aim is to become an even better place to work, where everyone can thrive. Our leadership cadre is key to delivering this inclusive and supportive culture, helping to navigate and provide clarity within a highly complex organisation that is subject to a lot of external scrutiny. In addition to meeting the development needs of current(people?) leaders at all levels, we are looking at how we can support those looking for a leadership career or moving through to more senior roles. We have a long tradition of delivering quality leadership development. Our vision now is move to a more joined up and comprehensive coverage of support across leadership levels and entry points. We want to continue to provide experiential development and look to utilise your latest thinking and techniques while embedding learning in real business & team priorities. Reflecting on our changing culture and the requirements of managers, we have changed our language to describe line-managers as people leaders and established a set of people leadership expectations. This Our People Leader Framework (OPL) is embedded in performance, recruitment and development. The OPL states that to be effective People Leaders they must: 1. Connect the team's purpose with delivering TfL's vision and values 2. Drive and inspires good performance 3. Create a caring, inclusive, safe and sustainable working environment 4. Collaborate and support others to achieve 5. Continuously develop and adapt to improve (service, team and self) We also have a Senior Leadership Strengths model that outlines the key attributes of our most senior leaders to inform recruitment and development. Both these frameworks would underpin any development. In turn any development would help embed them further through personalised, engaging and interactive experiential development. Our Learning and Development team provide a suite of eLearning and short courses that leaders can access around specific leadership and management topics. We are looking to enhance this leadership development suite with a more experiential and deeper learning journey. Lot1 Senior Leadership Development provision, including o Executive 1:1 coaching, o Senior leadership development programmes o Being an effective Sponsor development. o Moving into senior leadership development Lot2 First and mid-level leadership development, including for operational leaders o Group coaching o Experiential development programmes o Moving into a leadership role offering o 1:1 performance coaching o Includes strategies for integrating coaching into the business through the development of an in-house cadre of qualified coaches Lot 3 360 feedback tool and report administration, aligned to our leadership frameworks for leaders at all levels in the organisation Additional information: As part of this market sounding exercise, TfL wishes to seek your views on the extent of your capabilities and appetite for the provision of Leadership Development Services. TfL would appreciate your feedback in the form of a response to the following questionnaire, with the specific questions to be answered in the blank tables/boxes provided. Should you consider a particular question is not applicable to your organisation, please state "not applicable" in the tables/boxes provided. Please note responses to the questionnaire do not form part of any formal procurement process. Expected Tender window: October-November 2024 Contracts Awarded: March 2025 (Subject to change) Please email your response with subject title: TfL 96910 Learning Development MSQ -
to: ProcLearnDev@tfl.gov.uk MSQ completion by close of Wednesday 11 September 2024 TfL would like to thank you for taking the time to respond to this questionnaire -
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
80000000 - CPV Division(s)
79 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
80 - Education and training services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Hemal Patel
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
- Buyer Address