
HAR6070 Architect Services for Augustus Street (Bartlett Park) Extra Care Scheme


  • Contract Timeline

    Publication Date

    31st January 2025 14:30:52 PM

    Tender Deadline

    28th February 2025 12:00:00 PM   Expired

  • Contract Summary

    Tower Hamlets aims to create a number of extra care bed places within the borough to the benefit of its existing residents and families, and to reduce the ongoing financial burden of out of borough placements, which is unsustainable in the long term. In addition, Tower Hamlets has one of the most ethnically diverse populations in Britain, home to many communities including the largest Bangladeshi community in the country, accounting for 34.6% of the overall population in the Borough. The site at Augusta Street, adjacent to Bartlett Park, has been identified as providing a Culturally Sensitive Extra Care Housing development and potentially some general needs housing London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) is seeking to procure an architectural design consultant to develop a design for the land adjacent to Bartlett Park. The design team are asked to explore and present a range of options that make best use of the underdeveloped land for housing with Extra Care and to increase the supply for general needs affordable housing, which includes: • Preparing a hybrid planning application to comprise a) an outline approval (RIBA stage 2) for the entire scheme and b) a detailed planning application (RIBA Stage 3) for the extra care housing development. • Subject to pre-app discussions, a detailed application (RIBA Stage 3) for the entire site to include Extra Care housing and general needs housing. The Contract Period is initially for a period of 12 months, although the Authority reserves the right to extend the Contract on the same terms for further period of 3 months, making a total possible Contract Period of 15 months. The estimated contract value of this Contract is £250,000 (excluding VAT). The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at https://www.londontenders.org/procontract/supplier.nsf/frm_home?openForm&Login Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via https://www.londontenders.org/procontract/supplier.nsf/frm_home?openForm&Login

  • Contract Details

    Open Contracting ID


    Publication Source

    Contracts Finder

    Procurement Stage


    Procurement Method


    Procurement Method Details

    Open Procedure (above Threshold)

    Procurement Category


    Tender Suitability


    Framework / DPS

  • Contract Classification

    CPV Code(s)


    CPV Division(s)

    71 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services

  • Awarding Authority


    Buyer Name

    Seniz Asim

    Buyer Email


    Buyer Phone

    +44 244778066

    Buyer Address

    New Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road London


    E1 1BJ

    United Kingdom