Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
4th February 2025 18:05:35 PM
Contract Summary
Sefton Council operates 6 leisure centres, both wet and dry facilities, plus the Atkinson Centre in Southport, home for music, theatre, art, literature, and history. Sefton MBC invites tenders for the renewal of our maintenance support contract for the building and energy management system (BMS) installed at all the above-named sites, due in February 2025, using the platform IQVision software to enhance our Building Management System (BMS). The objective is to improve energy efficiency, system integration, and overall building management.\r \r We require an experienced service partner for the maintenance, regulation, and monitoring of all mechanical and electrical equipment (HVAC) to allow the facilities to operate efficiently to control the buildings energy usage whilst achieving optimum environmental conditions and reduced energy costs, using the software Trend IQVision. The current BMS server utilised for IQVision is hosted within the SMBC on-premises data centre.\r \r This is a one year contract starting on 15th February 2025, with three optional 1-year extensions. Additional information: The tender documents including information on this tender process can be found on Proactis "The Chest" under reference DN749251. Link to The Chest: https://www.the-chest.org.uk/ Please note this is a one year contract starting on 15th February 2025, with three optional 1-year extensions.
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
Open Procedure
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
- CPV Division(s)
50 - Repair and maintenance services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Julia Hedo
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
+44 1519342455
- Buyer Address
Magdalen House, Trinity Road
L20 3NJ
Awarded Supplier(s)
Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
18th December 2024 11:51:06 AM
- Tender Deadline
17th January 2025 12:00:00 PM Expired
Contract Summary
Sefton Council operates 6 leisure centres, both wet and dry facilities, plus the Atkinson Centre in Southport, home for music, theatre, art, literature, and history. Sefton MBC invites tenders for the renewal of our maintenance support contract for the building and energy management system (BMS) installed at all the above-named sites, due in February 2025, using the platform IQVision software to enhance our Building Management System (BMS). The objective is to improve energy efficiency, system integration, and overall building management. We require an experienced service partner for the maintenance, regulation, and monitoring of all mechanical and electrical equipment (HVAC) to allow the facilities to operate efficiently to control the buildings energy usage whilst achieving optimum environmental conditions and reduced energy costs, using the software Trend IQVision. The current BMS server utilised for IQVision is hosted within the SMBC on-premises data centre. This is a one year contract starting on 15th February 2025, with three optional 1-year extensions. Additional information: The tender documents including information on this tender process can be found on Proactis "The Chest" under reference DN749251. Link to The Chest: https://www.the-chest.org.uk/ Please note this is a one year contract starting on 15th February 2025, with three optional 1-year extensions.
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Contracts Finder
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
Open Procedure (below Threshold)
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
- CPV Division(s)
50 - Repair and maintenance services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
Julia Hedo
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
+44 1519342455
- Buyer Address
Magdalen House, Trinity Road
L20 3NJ