


  • Contract Timeline

    Publication Date

    16th September 2024 15:39:36 PM

    Tender Deadline

    23rd October 2024 16:00:00 PM   24 days remaining

  • Contract Summary

    National Highways are looking to procure up to 100 no MS1 Digital Sign Transport Stillages. GRP/heavy duty plastic (or other suitable material) A-Frame stillages, they will need to be double sided and be able to safely transport 4 no. digital signs of any of the MS1 variant per stillage (2 per side) Each unit must be able to be removed without moving any other. The information screens to be transported will have a maximum dimensions can be found in the MS1 Digital Sign Transport Stillage Scope. The screens shall be partly visible when on the stillage and the entire face screen must be within the area of the frame. The rear couplings of each unit must be accessible. They will require a safe method of restraint for each unit individually to the stillage. The stillage will also require a ‘soft’ surface to the loading face to protect the screens. We would be looking to have methods for loading and unloading through the base for fork lifts with a multi access arrangement . The expected lifespan for each stillage (dependant on use) to be circa 7 years Access to the tender documents will be on National Highways e-Sourcing Portal reference ITT_845 To sign up and access the tender documents once they are available, please visit the National Highways e-Sourcing portal https://nationalhighways.ukp.app.jaggaer.com/ I have also attached the guidance to sign up to the portal. Should you require assistance, please call e-Sourcing helpdesk on 0203 868 2859.

  • Contract Details

    Open Contracting ID


    Publication Source

    Find a Tender Service

    Procurement Stage


    Procurement Method


    Procurement Method Details

    Open Procedure

    Procurement Category


    Tender Suitability

    Framework / DPS

  • Contract Classification

    CPV Code(s)


    CPV Division(s)

    44 - Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (excepts electric apparatus)

  • Awarding Authority


    Buyer Name

    Buyer Email


    Buyer Phone

    Buyer Address


    United Kingdom