Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
2nd October 2024 08:43:05 AM
Contract Summary
WLHSCP will be holding a provider engagement event on Thursday 10th October at 11:00. The event will be held online on teams. The purpose of the event is to make all providers aware of WLHSCP’s forthcoming tender process for the provision of Housing Support Services for all Care Experienced Young People and Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children in West Lothian. Any providers who are interested in bidding for the forthcoming contracts are invited to attend. Further information on the proposed contracts will be provided at this meeting for the consideration of providers.
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Find a Tender Service
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
- CPV Division(s)
85 - Health and social work services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
+44 1506281814
- Buyer Address
West Lothian Civic Centre, Howden South Road
EH54 6FF
United Kingdom