Contract Timeline
- Publication Date
31st January 2025 12:00:08 PM
- Tender Deadline
3rd March 2025 12:00:00 PM 12 days remaining
Contract Summary
The framework contract will be for a service to cover reactive, planned & statutory maintenance and associated services to include, but not limited to: To complete all aspects of painting and decoration maintenance works around campus internal and external to ensure the reactive and planned maintenance of our academic buildings, housing stock and accommodation blocks is achieved to fall in line with our maintenance programmes. Tradesman with the capability of wallpaper hanging. Tradesman with the capability of shield/coat of arms maintenance decoration. Annual recovering of visually impaired lines to all step nosing’s around campus. Quotations as required for refurbishment priced works. Quotations as required for upgrade priced works.
Contract Details
- Open Contracting ID
- Publication Source
Find a Tender Service
- Procurement Stage
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Method Details
Open Procedure
- Procurement Category
- Tender Suitability
- Framework / DPS
Contract Classification
- CPV Code(s)
- CPV Division(s)
50 - Repair and maintenance services
Awarding Authority
- Buyer Name
- Buyer Email
- Buyer Phone
- Buyer Address
University Office, King's College
AB24 3FX
United Kingdom