
Protected and Modified Civilian Profile Vehicles (PaMCPV) Procurement Framework Agreement


  • Contract Timeline

    Publication Date

    4th February 2025 20:20:58 PM

    Tender Deadline

    7th March 2025 17:00:00 PM   16 days remaining

  • Contract Summary

    Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) are a bespoke trading entity and are an arm’s length body of the Ministry of Defence (MOD). We manage a vast range of complex projects to buy and support all the equipment and services that the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force need to operate effectively. We work closely with industry, including through partnering agreements and private finance initiatives. More can be seen at MOD website – https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/defence-equipment-and-support The Specialist Vehicles and Uncrewed Land Systems (SVULS) Team, part of the UK MOD intends to award a multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the procurement of MOD Protected and Modified Civilian Profile Vehicles (PaMCPV). Quantity or scope: The MOD requires protected mobility vehicles for many of its tasks. This requirement is often met by bespoke overt military profile vehicles. However, there are situations where this is unsuitable due to the profile or nature of the task. Therefore, the MOD requires Protected and Modified Civilian Profile Vehicles (PaMCPV) to provide protected and discreet mobility. A Protected and Modified Civilian Profile Vehicle (PaMCPV) at its simplest level is defined as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) vehicle that has been modified to provide a degree of protection and have the potential to integrate mission systems. One of example of this would be a Civilian Armoured Vehicle (CAV). PaMCPV could include cars, 4x4, small vans or minibuses, and would provide discreet protected mobility on operations across the globe and in the UK. The specific requirements will be defined at each call-off stage. Examples of potential modifications include but not limited to: - Integrated blast and ballistic protection. The protection levels and coverage will be defined at each call off stage. - The integration of specified mission systems. This could include Electronic Counter Measures (ECM), communication systems, weapon mounts. - Modifying the base vehicle to meet mobility performance and capacity requirements of individual call-offs. The enduring in-service support for the PaMCPV procurement Framework Agreement will be out of the scope of this contract. Candidates interested in participating in this framework agreement should be aware that some call-off contracts may require Faculty Security Clearance (FSC), depending on classification of the capability being procured. The specific security clearance requirements will be communicated during the call-off process, and suppliers will be required to comply with the necessary security protocols and procedures. a. FSC is not required for a place on the Framework – Candidates can submit bids and be awarded a place on the PaMCPV framework without having FSC at the outset. b. Requirement for Contract Award - Should a call-off contract require FSC, the potential supplier will be required to be granted FSC prior to Contract Award. Please refer to https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65f1c6789812278a47f613a6/20240313-MOD_Facility_Security_Clearance_Policy_and_Guidance_v1.4.pdf for policy and guidelines for FSC. The Cyber Risk Level associated with this project has been assessed as Low. Risk Assessment Reference: RAR – 240808A10. This is subject to change dependant on the requirements of individual call-offs. Procurement Process The Authority is following the Restricted Procedure for this procurement as set out in Regulation 17 of the Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations 2011 (2011). Potential suppliers that meet the minimum standards at DPQQ will progress to the Invitation to Tender (ITT) stage. The Authority reserves the right to cancel this procurement at any time including in, but not limited to, circumstances where fewer than three (3) potential suppliers meet the Authority’s minimum standards at DPQQ stage. The DPQQ has been published on the Defence Sourcing Portal (DSP) portal. All responses to this DPQQ must be submitted electronically via the DSP portal. All communication with the Authority must be via the DSP portal. The  PaMCPV Framework will be established with the following this indicative timeframe:  Clarification Deadline – 21/02/2025  Clarification Response – 28/02/2025 DPQQ Submission Deadline - 07/03/2025 Date of Invitation to Tender (ITT) issue – 07/05/2025 Tender Submission Return Dates - 19/06/2025  Notification of PaMCPV Evaluation Results (Preferred Bidders Informed) - 21/08/2025  PaMCPV Framework Start Date – 26/09/2025 

  • Contract Details

    Open Contracting ID


    Publication Source

    Find a Tender Service

    Procurement Stage


    Procurement Method


    Procurement Method Details


    Procurement Category


    Tender Suitability

    Framework / DPS


  • Contract Classification

    CPV Code(s)


    CPV Division(s)

    34 - Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation

  • Awarding Authority


    Buyer Name

    https://contracts.mod.uk/esop/guest/go/opportunity/detail?opportunityId=58116, attn: Clark Michael

    Buyer Email


    Buyer Phone

    Buyer Address

    Defence Equipment & Support,  Specialist Vehicles and Uncrewed Land Systems , ELM 1B, MOD Abbey Wood


    BS34 8JH 

    United Kingdom