
Llangollen 2020 - Highways & Environmental Improvements & A5 Traffic Signals, Hill/Hall Street Junct


  • Contract Timeline

    Publication Date

    5th February 2025 10:18:30 AM

  • Contract Summary

    Works will consist of the following main items :-> General site clearance including the removal and re-siting of existing pedestrian signals and associated equipment, lighting columns and street furniture;Façade & Structural Surveys of all buildings adjacent to works areas ;> Contractor provision of a dedicated Site Liaison Officer ;> Temporary traffic management including pedestrian and traffic lights ;> Excavation of existing kerbs and footway construction on Castle Street, Market Street, Bridge Street and the A539/A542 junction ;> Installation of new pc kerbs and footway construction using natural stone materials on Market Street ;> Construction of new kerb alignment and widened footways using natural stone materials on A539/A542 junction, Castle Street and Bridge Street ;> Replacement of existing chamber covers with recessed precinct covers for paving ;> Contractor design and implementation of basement / cellar lights in footways ;> Planing and resurfacing of the existing carriageways on Castle Street and A539/A542 junction ;> Installation of thermal expansion joints over bridge ;> Installation of raised tables on 2 junctions along Castle Street ;> Installation of new uncontrolled crossing points ;> Widening and ramping of the existing controlled crossing on A539/Mill Street ;> New carriageway drainage ;> Street Lighting Columns and lanterns on the Dee Bridge. New lanterns and bracket arms only on remainder of Castle Street ;> Road Markings and anti-skid ;> Road and destination signage ;> Street furniture eg. bins, guardrail, tree & tree maintenance.I addition to the above, DCC have been requested by NMWTRA to incorporate into the works 2 additional project areas for construction. The design for these have been carried out by YGC and Siemens. The works consist of the following main items :-> Replacement of the existing traffic signals and all associated equipment on the A5/Castle Street Junction and linking of the signals via MOVA to the 2 existing controlled crossings on the eastand west sides of the A5 ;> Remodelling of the Hill / Hall Street Junction off the A5 outside the Armoury Building.

  • Contract Details

    Open Contracting ID


    Publication Source


    Procurement Stage


    Procurement Method


    Procurement Method Details


    Procurement Category


    Tender Suitability

    Framework / DPS

  • Contract Classification

    CPV Code(s)


    CPV Division(s)

    45 - Construction work

  • Awarding Authority


    Buyer Name

    Ethan Jones

    Buyer Email

    Buyer Phone

    +44 1824712612

    Buyer Address

    Wynnstay Road,


    LL15 1YN

  • Awarded Supplier(s)

    Supplier Name(s)



Llangollen 2020 - Highways & Environmental Improvements & A5 Traffic Signals, Hill/Hall Street Junct


  • Contract Timeline

    Publication Date

    12th July 2021 16:20:44 PM

    Tender Deadline

    6th August 2021 15:00:00 PM   Expired

  • Contract Summary

    Works will consist of the following main items :-> General site clearance including the removal and re-siting of existing pedestrian signals and associated equipment, lighting columns and street furniture;Façade & Structural Surveys of all buildings adjacent to works areas ;> Contractor provision of a dedicated Site Liaison Officer ;> Temporary traffic management including pedestrian and traffic lights ;> Excavation of existing kerbs and footway construction on Castle Street, Market Street, Bridge Street and the A539/A542 junction ;> Installation of new pc kerbs and footway construction using natural stone materials on Market Street ;> Construction of new kerb alignment and widened footways using natural stone materials on A539/A542 junction, Castle Street and Bridge Street ;> Replacement of existing chamber covers with recessed precinct covers for paving ;> Contractor design and implementation of basement / cellar lights in footways ;> Planing and resurfacing of the existing carriageways on Castle Street and A539/A542 junction ;> Installation of thermal expansion joints over bridge ;> Installation of raised tables on 2 junctions along Castle Street ;> Installation of new uncontrolled crossing points ;> Widening and ramping of the existing controlled crossing on A539/Mill Street ;> New carriageway drainage ;> Street Lighting Columns and lanterns on the Dee Bridge. New lanterns and bracket arms only on remainder of Castle Street ;> Road Markings and anti-skid ;> Road and destination signage ;> Street furniture eg. bins, guardrail, tree & tree maintenance.I addition to the above, DCC have been requested by NMWTRA to incorporate into the works 2 additional project areas for construction. The design for these have been carried out by YGC and Siemens. The works consist of the following main items :-> Replacement of the existing traffic signals and all associated equipment on the A5/Castle Street Junction and linking of the signals via MOVA to the 2 existing controlled crossings on the eastand west sides of the A5 ;> Remodelling of the Hill / Hall Street Junction off the A5 outside the Armoury Building.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at (WA Ref:112301)Under the terms of this contract the successful supplier(s) will be required to deliver Community Benefits in support of the authority’s economic and social objectives. Accordingly, contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations. The Community Benefits included in this contract are:Examples of Community Benefits to be provided for Llangollen 2020 – Highway & Environmental Improvements :-1. Commitment to make sub‐contracting, and supply opportunities visible to local SMEs2. Targeted training and employment :3. Support local communities by introducing Active travel or environmental benefits in Llangollen4. Sponsorship support - Sponsorship of local sports team5. Reduction in CO² emissions and energy use during the construction6. Site Waste Management Plan7.Improved efficiency and management of transport miles of people and products8. Family Active Travel trainingThe buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.

  • Contract Details

    Open Contracting ID


    Publication Source


    Procurement Stage


    Procurement Method


    Procurement Method Details


    Procurement Category


    Tender Suitability

    Framework / DPS

  • Contract Classification

    CPV Code(s)


    CPV Division(s)

    45 - Construction work

  • Awarding Authority


    Buyer Name

    Maurice Palfryman

    Buyer Email

    Buyer Phone

    +44 1824706714

    Buyer Address

    Caledfryn,, Smithfield Road,


    LL16 3RJ