
TfW Major Incident Training Design and Development


  • Contract Timeline

    Publication Date

    31st January 2025 16:59:55 PM

    Tender Deadline

    21st February 2025 12:00:00 PM   2 days remaining

  • Contract Summary

    Transport for Wales (TfW), (the Contracting Authority) is carrying out a procurement advertised via Sell2 Wales, under the Open Procedure of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR) to procure the provision of major incident command training and exercising under the TfW goods and services terms and conditions. The maximum permitted term of the contract is 3 years and the anticipated commencement date is April 2025.The rail industry within the UK face a range of threats, hazards and operational challenges that have the potential to jeopardise its ability to run services, safely and securely and to uphold customer confidence.We recognise that any disruption to the services we provide caused by a major incident, needs to be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible by competent incident commanders.To ensure there is a level of consistency and excellence in major incident command provision in TfW. We require a training provider to work with us to develop and deliver a competency-based training programme that is aligned to the TfW Major Incident Response Plan.The training will provide our strategic and tactical incident commanders with knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to managing a major incident, specifically in relation to TfW as a Train Operating Company. To achieve this, the training will need to include both theoretical learning and simulated exercising.The training will be for 50 people, consisting of the Strategic (Directors) and Tactical (Senior Managers) that provide 24/7 incident management cover via an on-call Rota and other roles that are relevant.Key objectives for the learning:a. Demonstrate an understanding of command structures based on Incident Definition matrix and key roles.b. Set and communicate strategic objectives and regularly review.c. Utilise strategic objectives to develop a Tactical Plan.d. Use the JESIP JDM to make and justify command decisions.e. Utilise the Major Incident Action Cards to assist in establishing command structure and supporting roles.f. Demonstrate familiarity with the JESIP principals and requirements to resource multi-agency SCG’s and TCG’s.g. Demonstrate awareness of Humanitarian Assistance structures and how TfW assist with the Incident Care Teams.h. Demonstrate awareness of the requirements and impacts of preserving evidence and investigations.i. Demonstrate awareness of the need for document control and logging.j. Familiarise students with the recovery process and the impacts on customers and staff.k. Alignment with legislation, leading practice and guidelines with specific reference to guidance and other relevant documentation from Rail Delivery Group.l. An understanding of working in a Multi-agency environment.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/search/search_switch.aspx?ID=147803 (WA Ref:147803)Under the terms of this contract the successful supplier(s) will be required to deliver Community Benefits in support of the authority’s economic and social objectives. Accordingly, contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations. The Community Benefits included in this contract are:Please refer to tender documentation

  • Contract Details

    Open Contracting ID


    Publication Source


    Procurement Stage


    Procurement Method


    Procurement Method Details


    Procurement Category


    Tender Suitability

    Framework / DPS

  • Contract Classification

    CPV Code(s)


    CPV Division(s)

    79 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
    80 - Education and training services
    92 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services

  • Awarding Authority


    Buyer Name

    Nikolaos Filippis

    Buyer Email


    Buyer Phone

    +44 2921673434

    Buyer Address

    3 Llys Cadwyn, Taff Street,


    CF37 4TH