Find a Tender for Sewage, Refuse, Cleaning And Environmental Services

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14,394 results - Page 1

RMBC - JO - Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA)


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:27:16 PM   Contracts Finder

The Council is seeking the services of a consultant to compete a Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) which will form part of the evidence base underpinning the Council's review and update of its Runnymede 2030 Local Plan. Additional information: Details of this opportunity and the documentation can be found at Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No [...]

101-BK-24 Gritting and Winter Services for Breckland District Council


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:18:21 PM   Contracts Finder

You are invited to tender for the provision of: Gritting and Winter Services for Breckland District Council Procurement Ref: 101-BK-23. The Gritting and Winters Services Contract Specification for the following locations - all Breckland owned Land, Car parks and Footpaths as specified in Appendix C - Gritting Maps and Appendix D -Costing and Site Addresses Additional information: This opportunity can be found at Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes [...]

Procurement of Laboratory Testing Services for the Suffolk Coastal Port Health Authority


TenderAmendment Published: 27th September 2024 15:01:58 PM   Contracts Finder

East Suffolk Council (ESC) is steadfastly committed to upholding the highest standards of public safety and regulatory compliance through the implementation of robust food safety and environmental health measures. To ensure adherence to relevant legislation, we necessitate a dependable testing service capable of providing a thorough and accurate analysis of various samples. As such ESC is seeking to procure comprehensive analytical testing services for a broad spectrum of products, encompassing food safety, environmental health, and public health samples. Further detail in the specification in Appendix A outlines the essential requirements and considerations for selecting an official laboratory partner. Additional information: The tender documentation is free to access on the following link. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No [...]

Procurement of Laboratory Testing Services for the Suffolk Coastal Port Health Authority


TenderAmendment Published: 27th September 2024 15:00:54 PM   Contracts Finder

East Suffolk Council (ESC) is steadfastly committed to upholding the highest standards of public safety and regulatory compliance through the implementation of robust food safety and environmental health measures. To ensure adherence to relevant legislation, we necessitate a dependable testing service capable of providing a thorough and accurate analysis of various samples. As such ESC is seeking to procure comprehensive analytical testing services for a broad spectrum of products, encompassing food safety, environmental health, and public health samples. Further detail in the specification in Appendix A outlines the essential requirements and considerations for selecting an official laboratory partner. Additional information: The tender documentation is free to access on the following link. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No [...]

Recyclate & Garden Waste Transfer - Kendal Area


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 14:23:43 PM   Contracts Finder

The Authority is seeking to procure a Waste Transfer Facility in the Kendal area to accept and handle recyclate collected in the South Lakeland/Furness locality. Westmorland and Furness Council as Waste Collection Authority, along with authorised contractors, collect waste and recyclate from households in the area. This currently includes, but is not limited to, residual waste, paper, card, glass, metals, plastics (bottles, pots, tubs and trays) and garden waste collected at kerbside collected in the South Lakeland and Furness localities. Further details of the Contract are included in the Invitation to Tender documents, available via The Chest. All expressions of interest, clarifications and submissions must be made via The Chest ( The submission deadline is 28th of October 2024 at 14.00pm. [...]

National Trust - NI - Mournes Climate Change Study Tender


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 14:17:38 PM   Contracts Finder

Climate Change Study for The Mournes, Northern Ireland . The purpose of this RFP is to invite a list of possible suppliers to provide the Trust with a proposal for the provision of a review of historic satellite imagery and development of a climate change study for the Mournes. This will allow the Trust to understand which supplier will be capable of meeting the requirements and to identify a preferred supplier based on the information returned. The National Trust is seeking a total cost proposal from a suitably qualified Consultant to deliver the following: 1. Analysis of satellite imagery (from 1970's - present day) Review and analysis of historic satellite imagery to determine trends in the changes to the landscape (for example, habitat changes, wildfire scars, erosion etc.) across the High Mournes and environs. The Consultant will need to source the satellite imagery, for example, through the Sentinel Hub, and include any cost for this within their fee proposal. 2. Development of a climate change study examining the effects of climate change on the Mournes and how management should change to address it. The climate change study should have two elements: adaptation and mitigation. The study also needs to include stakeholder engagement to ensure that any proposed changes could be delivered in a way that protects people's interest in the Mournes and to assess the benefits of a landscape scale approach to mitigation and adaptation (i.e. collaboration between landowners/land managers) compared to a piecemeal Timescales • RFP issued to tenderers: 27th September 2024 [...]

Recyclate & Garden Waste Transfer - Kendal Area


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 14:12:01 PM   Find a Tender Service

The Authority is seeking to procure a Waste Transfer Facility in the Kendal area to accept and handle recyclate collected in the South Lakeland/Furness locality. Westmorland and Furness Council as Waste Collection Authority, along with authorised contractors, collect waste and recyclate from households in the area. This currently includes, but is not limited to, residual waste, paper, card, glass, metals, plastics (bottles, pots, tubs and trays) and garden waste collected at kerbside collected in the South Lakeland and Furness localities. Further details of the Contract are included in the Invitation to Tender documents, available via The Chest. All expressions of interest, clarifications and submissions must be made via The Chest ( The submission deadline is 28th of October 2024 at 14.00pm. [...]

CPU 7210 Legionella Control Services


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 14:03:14 PM   Contracts Finder

Nottingham City Council invite tenders from suitably experienced and qualified entities for the provision of Legionella Control services to their public buildings during Normal Working Hours & Out of Hours, 24-hours coverage 365 days a year. The Service consists of: Planned maintenance (including Remedial repairs) Reactive maintenance Provision of Legionella Risk Assessment for large sites. Taking water samples from Leisure Centre Pools. Associated works & services For further information on the project specifics please see the tender pack and associated documents [...]

Recycling/recovery of organic waste

Doncaster - EU SUPPLY

TenderAmendment Published: 27th September 2024 14:02:50 PM   Contracts Finder

Recycling/recovery of organic waste This contract has the available option of being extended up to a further 10 years at the sole discretion of the Council. This contract has a possible contract length of up to 15 years including the extension period. [...]

Provision of Cleaning and Hygiene Services


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 13:06:17 PM   Find a Tender Service

Cleaning of Scottish Water offices, depots and treatments works across Scotland including window cleaning. Provision of hygiene services at some sites. Purchase and replenishment of washroom supplies. Cleaning of external top-up taps across Scotland. [...]

14,394 results - Page 1

How do I find tenders for Sewage, Refuse, Cleaning And Environmental Services?

At D3 Tenders, we specialise in sourcing and aggregating procurement contracts from various sources, including: Contracts Finder, Find a Tender Service, Public Contracts Scotland, and Sell2Wales. Our goal is to make it easier for businesses like yours to discover and compete for lucrative public sector contracts for Sewage, Refuse, Cleaning And Environmental Services (CPV Division 90).

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