Find a Tender for Education And Training Services

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14,431 results - Page 1

Cardiff Riding School


Planning Published: 27th September 2024 15:05:28 PM   Find a Tender Service

Cardiff Riding School is the only Local Authority operated equestrian facility in Wales delivering riding lessons for schools, children and adults, disability groups, children`s parties and more recently for alternative curriculum for children at risk of failing in mainstream education. It also provides a livery for private horse owners. [...]

Training and Learning Management System


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 14:37:15 PM   Contracts Finder

PCH is looking for a Training/Learning Management System. The system must be securely supplier/cloud hosted, incorporate comprehensive workflow and feature a contemporary UI working across multiple platforms and devices. [...]

Women's Health Wellness on Wheels (WoW) Bus Support on behalf of NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)


TenderAmendment Published: 27th September 2024 13:57:14 PM   Contracts Finder

NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board invite competitive quotations from suitably qualified and experienced providers in Norfolk and Waveney for the provision of Women's Health Wellness on Wheels (WoW) Bus Support The key aims of the project are to: • Listen to women's views and gather insights from experiences, in order to better understand barriers to healthcare access and potential solutions. • Respond to issues immediately arising from conversations, the Women's health champions will be equipped to provide information and signpost to relevant organisations that may be able to address issues raised. • Signpost and facilitate access to primary, community and specialist services as indicated. • Promote and facilitate access to services available on the WoW Bus We are looking for a provider or a consortium of providers to work in partnership with the ICB and public health and • Have connections/existing relationships with women living and working with communities in areas of higher deprivation in Norfolk and Waveney. • Have an excellent understanding of different protected characteristics and how this affects people's experiences of health and care. • Have excellent understanding of barriers to health faced by women living in Core20 areas in areas of higher deprivation in Norfolk and Waveney. • Understand local community groups and where communities congregate and to engage with people within their own settings (outreach outside of the areas reached by the WoW Bus) • Have a proven track record in demonstrating impact by capturing and evidencing of the work undertaken. • Provide a women's health champion to accompany the Bus, with the appropriate skills [...]

GB-London: Delivery of modules for the Local Government Association Councillor E learning programme 2024-26


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 13:55:04 PM   Contracts Finder

The LGA is seeking to appoint an experienced supplier or suppliers if appropriate to design, develop and produce elearning content for our councillor elearning modules. The modules form part of our blended learning Community Leadership programme for councillors. This is an integral part of the political leadership programmes of the LGA's sector support offer to councils. Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. [...]

Women's Health Wellness on Wheels (WoW) Bus Support on behalf of NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 13:35:21 PM   Contracts Finder

NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board invite competitive quotations from suitably qualified and experienced providers for the provision of Women's Health Wellness on Wheels (WoW) Bus Support The key aims of the project are to: • Listen to women's views and gather insights from experiences, in order to better understand barriers to healthcare access and potential solutions. • Respond to issues immediately arising from conversations, the Women's health champions will be equipped to provide information and signpost to relevant organisations that may be able to address issues raised. • Signpost and facilitate access to primary, community and specialist services as indicated. • Promote and facilitate access to services available on the WoW Bus We are looking for a provider or a consortium of providers to work in partnership with the ICB and public health and • Have connections/existing relationships with women living and working with communities in areas of higher deprivation. • Have an excellent understanding of different protected characteristics and how this affects people's experiences of health and care. • Have excellent understanding of barriers to health faced by women living in Core20 areas. • Understand local community groups and where communities congregate and to engage with people within their own settings (outreach outside of the areas reached by the WoW Bus) • Have a proven track record in demonstrating impact by capturing and evidencing of the work undertaken. • Provide a women's health champion to accompany the Bus, with the appropriate skills to engage women successfully in health conversations. • The Women's health champion will undertake relevant training to support women's health conversations and [...]

UK_360 - Internationalisation Learning Cohorts


TenderAmendment Published: 27th September 2024 13:01:27 PM   Contracts Finder

The British Council is seeking a training facilitator with experience in course design and delivery to create, review and disseminate online content and training in international higher education. The successful applicant will use sector knowledge to identify and collaborate with experts in various thematic areas and deliver a series of webinars for each learning cohorts consisting of representatives from higher education institutions across the globe. Additional information: If you are interested in expressing an interest and/or bidding for this project, please go to . You may then have to register your company before you can express an interest for this project and get access the documents. This contract is for 7 months with an option to extend for another 2 months Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No [...]

Training and Learning Management System


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 12:49:38 PM   Find a Tender Service

PCH is looking for a Training/Learning Management System. The system must be securely supplier/cloud hosted, incorporate comprehensive workflow and feature a contemporary UI working across multiple platforms and devices. [...]

T2569 PEACEPLUS Sport for Peace


Planning Published: 27th September 2024 11:53:24 AM   Find a Tender Service

The purpose of this Prior Information Notice is to notify the market of Belfast City Council’s intentions to hold a pre-market engagement event with interested suppliers to provide information on the PEACEPLUS Sport for Peace Project and inform of the procurement process required. The Sports for Peace Project aims to promote positive change through sport and community engagement via four pillars. A reoccurring theme among the 4 pillars encourages partners to work collaboratively to deliver grass roots programmes to build resilience and encourage playing sports within communities. Pillar 1 - Qualification/Coach Education Connecting Communities through Leadership engages 160 young people 16 – 18 year olds who are recruited to become young leaders and take part in a standardised training programme, this includes the opportunity to become Peace Plus Sports Ambassadors. Pillar 2 – Participation Involves 1,440 young participants aged 11-16 years recruited through schools and clubs. Activity will help young people to better engage with their community by building their confidence, personal abilities, and core skills. Participants are provided with the opportunity to co-facilitate the delivery of the community activity as their training progresses. Pillar 3 – Mentoring & Employability Engages 20 young people from Pillar 1, to develop young leaders to promote Good Relations within their sports clubs/community organisations. To develop a young leader tool kit to equip leaders with qualifications/skills to create a sustainable legacy within their club/group. Pillar 4 – Monitoring Evaluation & Research, research topics to include: Research on trauma-affected young people, and how sport and positive activities can have an impact [...]

This tender relates to a contract for the provision of Training for the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in marketing, communications, business development and diversification of income streams with funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Additional information: This opportunity can be found on the Supplying the Southwest portal at To access the tender documents you will need to register an account on the same site. [...]

This tender relates to a contract for the provision of Training for the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in marketing, communications, business development and diversification of income streams with funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Additional information: This opportunity can be found on the Supplying the Southwest portal at To access the tender documents you will need to register an account on the same site. [...]

14,431 results - Page 1

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At D3 Tenders, we specialise in sourcing and aggregating procurement contracts from various sources, including: Contracts Finder, Find a Tender Service, Public Contracts Scotland, and Sell2Wales. Our goal is to make it easier for businesses like yours to discover and compete for lucrative public sector contracts for Education And Training Services (CPV Division 80).

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