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975 results - Page 1

Poly CCX-400 Teams Handsets


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 11:36:26 AM   Contracts Finder

46 x Poly CCX-400 Teams Handsets [...]

Ribston Hall High School ~ Catering Tender


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 09:05:14 AM   Find a Tender Service

The successful Supplier will be required to provide catering services for Ribston Hall High School. The contract covers the scope for the provision of all catering services within the school, which also includes all hospitality and free issue requirements. The contract awarded will be on a guaranteed performance basis. [...]

Ribston Hall High School ~ Catering Tender


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 08:05:05 AM   Contracts Finder

The successful Supplier will be required to provide catering services for Ribston Hall High School. The contract covers the scope for the provision of all catering services within the school, which also includes all hospitality and free issue requirements. The contract awarded will be on a guaranteed performance basis. [...]

Rushmire Hill Geotechnical Remediation and Standish Multi-User Path


Tender Published: 26th September 2024 20:02:08 PM   Contracts Finder

This advert is intended to notify potential suppliers of the combined tender including both the Rushmire Hill Geotechnical remediation and the Standish Multi-User Path works. These two pieces of work have been packaged as a single tender. Rushmire Hill Geotechnical Remediation Rushmire Hill is in South Gloucestershire, near Wotton-under-Edge, approximately 1.2 km south of Cotswold Edge Golf Course. The works are required to stabilise the B4058 carriageway, which has historically suffered deterioration from ground movement. Remediation works will include sheet piling along the GCC owned verge, verge and carriageway reconstruction. Site clearance will also be required to facilitate the piling works. Summary of Construction Phase key deliverables are as follows: Site clearance including tree clearance over approx. 255m, 3.5m width. Sheet piling installation along an approx. 255m length of verge. Partial carriageway reconstruction of the northbound carriageway over 280m. Carriageway resurfacing over approx. 300m Ground investigation including the installation of 3 no. inclinometers and 1 no. slotted standpipe in the carriageway Traffic Management during the construction works. Maintain residents' access during the construction works. Standish Multi User Path The works are located between the Horsemarling Lane roundabout and Blackbridge access track to the south of Standish, Gloucestershire. This scheme is part of a wider strategic scheme to boost active travel provision within the county, through the creation of the Gloucestershire Cycle Spine and includes a section of bridle way. Summary of Construction Phase key deliverables are as follows: Construction of 400m of 3m wide new shared use path and bridal way 150m of carriageway realignment and works to splinter island Streetlighting column installation [...]

Provision of Insurance and related services to Gloucester City Homes


Tender Published: 25th September 2024 18:05:12 PM   Find a Tender Service

Insurance and related services for Property, legal liability and other general (non-life) insurable risks, as required by Gloucester City Homes [...]

Provision of Insurance and related services to Gloucester City Homes


Tender Published: 25th September 2024 15:40:07 PM   Contracts Finder

Insurance and related services for Property, legal liability and other general (non-life) insurable risks, as required by Gloucester City Homes [...]

Rough Sleeper Outreach Services for Gloucestershire


Tender Published: 24th September 2024 14:53:11 PM   Find a Tender Service

The Authority requires a proactive and assertive Rough Sleeper Outreach and Support Service with specialist knowledge of working with homeless individuals across a continuum of support needs, including complex and multiple needs. The service will be available 365 days each year. The Provider will deliver this service for an initial period of three years, commencing on 1 April 2025. The service may be extended by an additional 12 months up to three times at the discretion of the Commissioner. [...]

2024/25 Tree Projects: Ash Dieback replanting projects, Trees & Sundry items


Tender Published: 23rd September 2024 12:54:12 PM   Contracts Finder

2024/25 Tree Projects: Ash Dieback replanting projects, Trees & Sundry items Request for Quotation Closing date for submissions - 26/09/2024 at 11.59 Gloucestershire tree planting projects are aiming to mitigate climate change and/or compensate for losses due to ash die-back disease. Ash Dieback Planting Project plans at least 2 trees for each 1 lost to Ash Dieback. GCC are looking for up to 15,000 mixed native trees and relevant sundry items, to be supplied and delivered directly to numerous planting sites across the county, in the upcoming planting season October 2024 to March 2025. [...]

Dean House - Agile Working Hub


Tender Published: 19th September 2024 16:17:28 PM   Contracts Finder

Dean House - Agile Working Hub Lot 1 allocation by Rotation to EW Beard [...]

Stroud Fire Station


Tender Published: 19th September 2024 16:14:24 PM   Contracts Finder

Stroud Fire Station - Accessibility Works Lot 1 Allocation by rotation to Kier Construction [...]

975 results - Page 1

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