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1,343 results - Page 1

CA14693 - St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Tender Published: 25th September 2024 14:45:16 PM   Contracts Finder

To supply a quality food service to 500 daily meals to pupils and staff throughout the academic year To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA14693. Not registered: Visit then register and quote CA14693 as the reason for registration. Any queries please contact MultiQuote on 0151 482 9230. [...]

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Tender Published: 25th September 2024 14:45:05 PM   Find a Tender Service

To supply a quality food service to 500 daily meals to pupils and staff throughout the academic year [...]

Review Consultant


Tender Published: 25th September 2024 09:03:17 AM   Contracts Finder

Luton Borough Council is looking to engage qualified organisations to quote for Consultants to undertake a review of the effectiveness of financial management at Luton Council for- A review and analysis of culture, skills and processes across the organisation. Additional information: This is a closed RFQ to invited suppliers [...]

L24090a-T-TC - Guest Journey Insights - Digital


Tender Published: 22nd September 2024 18:07:29 PM   Contracts Finder

London Luton Airport are looking for bidders for a 2-Year framework to research Guest Journey Insights -Digital. We will be looking to award 2 suppliers to this framework. Additional information: Prospective contractors must be able to demonstrate previous experience of similar work and be prepared to provide references. Applications are welcome from single organisations or consortia from the public, private and voluntary/community sector. To access this or any other LLA open tender advert and to view the necessary tendering documents and express your interest, please visit the LLA e-Tendering Portal at: All tender opportunities can be found under the Tenders link in the grey bar just below the LLA logo banner. If this is your first time using this portal, you will need to register in order to Express Interest by clicking the Register link also located in the grey bar or via the yellow Register button to the left on the Home Screen. If you are already registered on the LLA e-Tendering portal simply enter your details and login as usual. During registration, simply complete the information required on the three areas Company Details, Business Classifications and Company Categories. Once completed, click the Register My Company button located at the bottom. Please note you must express an interest through this portal in order to be attached to the tender project. After expressing interest and reviewing any tender documents, in order to progress you will also be asked whether or not you wish to Opt In or Opt Out of the process [...]

Lease of Stockwood Park Golf Club


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 11:31:45 AM   Find a Tender Service

Luton Council is seeking a new lessee for its municipal Golf Course, for further details and a copy of the documentation can be obtained by emailing [...]

AT1326 Green Waste Treatment - Supplier Engagement


Planning Published: 13th September 2024 12:54:55 PM   Contracts Finder

Luton Council is looking to procure a treatment of green garden waste collected from Luton residents including own managed green waste from parks and grounds. The Authority currently collects garden waste via a subscription service which was introduced in April 2021 and services around 22,000 households. Kerbside collection of garden waste is carried out from Tuesday to Friday, with the following conditions in place for bank holidays and public holidays: Collection days are adjusted to accommodate Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Green waste collection operates from late January until the beginning of December. As the part of the waste management arrangements under the current contract, the material is presently direct delivered following the completion of a round to Faldo Farm, a site operated by Material Change, approximately 5.5 miles from Luton Town Hall. If you would like to attend this event via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 24 September 2024 @ 10am please email and in invite will be sent to you. [...]

L24098-T-LH - Multi Category Open Retail Tender - 2 LOTS


TenderAmendment Published: 13th September 2024 12:46:05 PM   Contracts Finder

London Luton Airport Operations are running a multi-category tender for retail unit 34, sized at 92 SQM and for a three + two (3+2) year contractual term. This is a multi-category tender to include operators in the following categories: fashion, footwear, beauty, gifting and technology. Food and beverage operators cannot bid for this tender. Suppliers are able to bid for either LOT or both LOTs depending on the best outcome for LLAOL. Multi Category open retail tender: o LOT 1: Unit 34 - Fashion and Footwear o LOT 2: Unit 34 - Beauty, Accessories, Toys/Gifting This opportunity is situated in the retail hub of the terminal. The unit being tendered (Unit 34) is in a compliant and fitted out condition (with option for LLA to approve the retention of fixtures, fittings and structure), however, the unit can also be handed over in a shell and core condition dependent on agreement and discussions/approvals from LLAOL. Additional information: Prospective contractors must be able to demonstrate previous experience of similar work and be prepared to provide references. Applications are welcome from single organisations or consortia from the public, private and voluntary/community sector. To access [...]

1,343 results - Page 1

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At D3 Tenders, we specialise in sourcing and aggregating procurement contracts from various sources, including: Contracts Finder, Find a Tender Service, Public Contracts Scotland, and Sell2Wales. Our goal is to make it easier for businesses like yours to discover and compete for lucrative public sector contracts in Luton.

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