Find a Tender for Collected And Purified Water

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110 results - Page 1

Caterham High School - Water Hygiene Service Contract


Tender Published: 13th September 2024 08:49:00 AM   Contracts Finder

SSC Partnership, an Agent on behalf of Caterham High School are currently out to tender for the provision of Water Hygiene maintenance services. Suppliers that would like to take part in this tender process are invited to 'Express Interest' upon which the will be given access to the full tender documentation delivery through this e-tendering system. When the tender documents have been made available involved suppliers will receive notification via email and the tender documents can be accessed from the 'My Tenders' area of this website and selecting the 'View Details' button of this project. The deadline for submissions of the tender will be Wednesday 25th September 2024. Please allow sufficient time to make your return as late returns will not be permitted. Any questions relating to this tender should be made via correspondence on the website and can be addressed to the main contact as shown in the details above. Additional information: For any suppliers interested in this opportunity please visit our eTendering portal Arrangements will be made for Tenderers to visit Caterham High School and view the current facilities to obtain a better understanding of the layout and any other relevant information to help in putting together tender bids. The site visit is planned to take [...]

Adfer mawn - Hiraethog - Peat restoration


Tender Published: 12th September 2024 15:43:58 PM   Sell2Wales

Provision of peatland restoration works for Snowdonia National Park Authority (SNPA) Eryri Fringes Project on behalf of Wales Peatland Action. The works will be carried out on three sites within the Mynydd Hiraethog Site of Special Scientific Interest. Peatland restoration will consist of blocking and re-profiling artificially made ditches for the purpose of re-wetting the peatland (see attached document for more information).NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at See attached document(WA Ref:144530)The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding. [...]

Development of a Nutrient Management Plan for the River Usk Special Area of Conservation


Tender Published: 2nd September 2024 15:16:16 PM   Sell2Wales

The Usk Catchment Partnership, in its role as Nutrient Management Board for the River Usk Special Area of Conservation is seeking to commission appropriately qualified consultants to develop a Nutrient Management Plan for the non-tidal extent of the Usk Catchment.The River Usk rises on the northern slopes of the Black Mountain at an elevation of just over 500m in the Western area of Bannau Brycheiniog National Park. It flows in a long narrow catchment of great scenic beauty for approximately 125km, making it the longest river wholly within Wales. It first flows North into Usk reservoir before heading East through the towns of Brecon, Crickhowell, Abergavenny and then South through Usk, before discharging to the Usk estuary at Newbridge and then to the Severn estuary at Newport . The Usk Catchment Partnership currently covers the freshwater catchment - the area up until the tidal limit of the river at Newbridge.NRW’s Compliance Assessment of Welsh River SACs against Phosphorus Targets (2021) identified that 88% of the water bodies assessed failed their compliance targets. The phosphorus compliance on the Usk fails at a greater rate than any other SAC river in Wales and the percentage of failing water bodies is far higher than any other assessed river.The Catchment Partnership was formed in response to these findings. Although the Catchment Partnership has a wider range of interest than phosphorus reduction, in our role as Nutrient Management Board for the Usk, as supported by Welsh Government , we are obligated to produce an [...]

Private Water Supplies - Provision of Laboratory Support for Analysis of Samples & Reporting


Tender Published: 16th August 2024 13:02:10 PM   Contracts Finder

East Suffolk Council (ESC) are seeking an accredited Laboratory Service provider to carry out analysis and reporting of samples from private water supplies, as well as provide the necessary requirements for collection and transportation of samples in line with agreed ESC and Government regulations. (Including the new guidance on regulation 8 of The Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016, as amended and The Private Water Supplies (Wales) Regulations 2017) Additional information: The tender documentation is free to access on the following link. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No [...]

A1086 Packed Lunches


Tender Published: 29th July 2024 10:08:07 AM   Contracts Finder

Greater Manchester Police has a requirement for the supply and delivery of packed lunches for operational personnel for special events and operations. Packed lunches will be required for a variety of pre-planned events and emergency situations, delivered to any location within the Greater Manchester area. Officers can work either a 6 hour or 12 hour operation, and a different size packed lunch is required for each operation length. Our estimated annual usage based on the previous 12 months is 20,000 6 hour packed lunches and 3,500 12 hour packed lunches. Due to the operational nature of this requirement, no volumes or values are guaranteed. [...]

L24010a-Q-CL- Supply and Maintenance of Watercoolers & Perishables


Tender Published: 2nd July 2024 07:19:47 AM   Contracts Finder

This is to provide watercoolers for staff working in Gate houses, Airside Ops and TSD airside rooms that are unable to house mains running water. This contract will run for 3 years with an optional 2 years (1+1) through extension periods and will cover 6 units for AirOps, 1 for Chaplaincy (GX), 4 for TSD, 18 for SEC & 1 for IT. Additional information: Prospective contractors must be able to demonstrate previous experience of similar work and be prepared to provide references. Applications are welcome from single organisations or consortia from the public, private and voluntary/community sector. To access this or any other LLA open tender advert and to view the necessary tendering documents and express your interest, please visit the LLA e-Tendering Portal at: All tender opportunities can be found under the Tenders link in the grey bar just below the LLA logo banner. If this is your first time using this portal, you will need to register in order to Express Interest by clicking the Register link also located in the grey bar or via the yellow Register button to the left on the Home Screen. If you are already registered on the LLA e-Tendering portal simply enter your details and login as usual. During registration, simply complete the information required on the three areas Company Details, Business Classifications and Company Categories. Once completed, click the Register My Company button located at the bottom. Please note you must express an interest through this portal in order to be attached to [...]

CBC-1699-T-TH Water Hygiene Service for Housing Properties


TenderAmendment Published: 20th June 2024 08:54:20 AM   Contracts Finder

Central Bedfordshire Council are seeking an experience Contractor to carryout Water Hygiene Services required for the Housing Services for our properties. They range from gypsy and traveller sites, sheltered housing schemes, communal blocks, independent living schemes, houses of multiple occupation, transitional accommodation, and domestic properties. This contract also includes the provision of Housing Water Risk Assessment services. The contract includes: • Carrying out Water Hygiene Risk Assessments • Effecting required cyclical maintenance tasks to comply with legislation • Monitoring of water quality • To sample stored water as necessary for (UKAS accredited) laboratory analysis for the presence of legionella bacterium (by exception) • To sample stored water as necessary for (UKAS accredited) laboratory analysis for the presence of general bacteria colonies, coliforms and e coli bacteria (by exception) • Monitoring of assets to ensure compliance with water temperature recommendations • Recommendation and delivery of required remedial repairs to ensure full compliance with legislation and best practise • Reactive response to assets as required • Monthly monitoring of hot and cold water temperatures where required • Weekly flushing of [...]

CBC-1699-T-TH Water Hygiene Service for Housing Properties


Tender Published: 18th June 2024 12:49:41 PM   Contracts Finder

Central Bedfordshire Council are seeking an experience Contractor to carryout Water Hygiene Services required for the Housing Services for our properties. They range from gypsy and traveller sites, sheltered housing schemes, communal blocks, independent living schemes, houses of multiple occupation, transitional accommodation, and domestic properties. This contract also includes the provision of Housing Water Risk Assessment services. The contract includes: • Carrying out Water Hygiene Risk Assessments • Effecting required cyclical maintenance tasks to comply with legislation • Monitoring of water quality • To sample stored water as necessary for (UKAS accredited) laboratory analysis for the presence of legionella bacterium (by exception) • To sample stored water as necessary for (UKAS accredited) laboratory analysis for the presence of general bacteria colonies, coliforms and e coli bacteria (by exception) • Monitoring of assets to ensure compliance with water temperature recommendations • Recommendation and delivery of required remedial repairs to ensure full compliance with legislation and best practise • Reactive response to assets as required • Monthly monitoring of hot and cold water temperatures where required • Weekly flushing of [...]

UKRI-3772 MRC LMB Boiling Water and Chilled/Filtered Water Taps


Tender Published: 3rd June 2024 18:05:08 PM   Find a Tender Service

UKRI requires the supply, installation and maintenance of a number of boiling water and chilled, filtered water taps [...]

UKRI-3772 MRC LMB Boiling Water and Chilled/Filtered Water Taps


Tender Published: 3rd June 2024 15:50:03 PM   Contracts Finder

UKRI requires the supply, installation and maintenance of a number of boiling water and chilled, filtered water taps [...]

110 results - Page 1

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