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1,147 results - Page 1

Guidance for when undertaking noise impact assessments when using explosives in the marine environment

Peterborough - JNCC SUPPORT

TenderAmendment Published: 24th September 2024 13:59:11 PM   Contracts Finder

To develop and produce guidance for marine industries in the UK that plan to use explosives (including for clearing unexploded ordnance) in the marine environment. This will cover (as a minimum): an introduction with purpose of guidance, when a noise assessment is required and the relevant consenting processes; what is required in terms of describing the activity and characteristics of the sound sources; describing species sensitivities, justifying the use of appropriate source and propagation models, recommending the parameters to be used in noise modelling (e.g. environmental) and sound exposure estimates, auditory injury criteria and metrics, and how best to present the results; as well as the information that should be captured (by the operator) once the activity is underway. To meet the overall aim of this project (Section 2), the objectives are to provide: 1. Review key publications relating to underwater noise risk assessments of explosive noise (e.g. source characterisation, sound propagation, sound exposure modelling and criteria) summarising new findings as well as recommended methods for improving noise risk assessments of the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish from explosive noise 2. Based on the outputs of Objective 1, develop detailed UK guidance for assessing the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish posed by explosive noise. 3. Provide a protocol for sound field verification, that can be employed during the operations to verify the conclusions in the noise risk assessments. This also needs to consider the findings from the review under Objective 1. 4. Discussion of potential further improvements to noise [...]

Guidance for when undertaking noise impact assessments for pile driving in the marine environment

Peterborough - JNCC SUPPORT

TenderAmendment Published: 24th September 2024 13:57:42 PM   Contracts Finder

To develop and produce guidance for industry to undertake underwater noise risk assessments for pile-driving operations in the UK, focussed on the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish. To meet the offshore renewable energy targets set out by the UK government and devolved administrations, a substantial increase in the number and size of offshore wind farms will be required. This, in turn, may result in a considerable increase in the amount of impact piling being carried out within UK waters (including English, Welsh, Scottish, N.Irish, inshore and offshore). Piling can be used for the installation of both fixed and floating windfarms and well as other structures such as harbour pontoons, and involves forcing a supporting or retaining structure into the seabed using a hydraulic hammer. To meet the overall aim of this project (Section 2), the objectives are: 4.1. Review key publications relating to underwater noise risk assessments of piling noise (e.g. source characterisation, sound propagation, sound exposure modelling and criteria) summarising new findings as well as recommended methods for improving noise risk assessments of the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish from piling. 4.2. Based on the outputs of Objective 1, develop detailed guidance for assessing the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish posed by piling noise in UK waters. 4.3. Discussion of potential further improvements to noise risk assessments that may be possible to implement in piling assessments in the short to medium term. Available budget The total value of this project is £60,000 (GBP) including VAT If interested in this project [...]

Ocean Country Partnership Programme: Maldives Phase 2 development of Maldives PCA Website

Peterborough - JNCC SUPPORT

TenderAmendment Published: 24th September 2024 13:19:32 PM   Contracts Finder

JNCC co-leads the Marine Biodiversity theme of the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP), a UK government-led programme under the Blue Planet Programme. In 2023, OCPP and the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy (MCCEE) worked with a web developer to prepare a website on Protected and Conserved Areas in Maldives, see The site provides information about protected areas in the Maldives and an onsite booking portal to allow permits to be applied for. The website is fully bilingual between English and Dhivehi. The website was launched in January 2024, however, users of the site have identified some issues with the functionality that will require further development to support effective use of the site. This particularly relates to the permit portal section of the site. In July 2024, a workshop was held in Male with staff from MCCEE, the Environmental Protection Agency, and local MPA staff from the 3 Maldives Biosphere Reserves. The workshop gathered feedback on the website and developed a prioritised list of amendments that are required to improve the functionality of the site. This contract is for a web developer to support delivery of the amendments needed to the current website. The contractor will need to work closely with the MCCEE and the project manager contracted to support the delivery of this work. Sufficient time for testing and use will be required within the contract, and final payment will only be made once issues identified through the testing are resolved. If interested in this project potential [...]

Guidance for when undertaking noise impact assessments for pile driving in the marine environment

Peterborough - JNCC SUPPORT

TenderAmendment Published: 23rd September 2024 14:56:31 PM   Contracts Finder

To develop and produce guidance for industry to undertake underwater noise risk assessments for pile-driving operations in the UK, focussed on the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish. To meet the offshore renewable energy targets set out by the UK government and devolved administrations, a substantial increase in the number and size of offshore wind farms will be required. This, in turn, may result in a considerable increase in the amount of impact piling being carried out within UK waters (including English, Welsh, Scottish, N.Irish, inshore and offshore). Piling can be used for the installation of both fixed and floating windfarms and well as other structures such as harbour pontoons, and involves forcing a supporting or retaining structure into the seabed using a hydraulic hammer. To meet the overall aim of this project (Section 2), the objectives are: 4.1. Review key publications relating to underwater noise risk assessments of piling noise (e.g. source characterisation, sound propagation, sound exposure modelling and criteria) summarising new findings as well as recommended methods for improving noise risk assessments of the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish from piling. 4.2. Based on the outputs of Objective 1, develop detailed guidance for assessing the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish posed by piling noise in UK waters. 4.3. Discussion of potential further improvements to noise risk assessments that may be possible to implement in piling assessments in the short to medium term. Available budget The total value of this project is £60,000 (GBP) including VAT If interested in this project [...]

MARKET ENGAGEMENT - Care In the Community PDPS - Specification Feedback


Planning Published: 20th September 2024 14:22:55 PM   Find a Tender Service

THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION Peterborough City Council is inviting views and feedback on the drafts of its Specification documents for the recommission of services under a Care in the Community PDPS. Interested suppliers are invited to download, review and complete the document from the ProContract eTendering Platform and return them ahead of the deadline of 12:00 Noon on 02/10/2024 Please note: - these are drafts and will be amended prior to tender following comments from stakeholders - any clarification questions will need to wait until the tender itself. Please note, expressions of interest in this Market Engagement do not equate to an expression of interest in any upcoming regulated procurement activity. The Authority is not accepting expressions of interest in any upcoming procurement activity at this time. [...]

MARKET ENGAGEMENT - Care In the Community PDPS - Specification Feedback


Planning Published: 20th September 2024 14:11:48 PM   Contracts Finder

THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION Peterborough City Council is inviting views and feedback on the drafts of its Specification documents for the recommission of services under a Care in the Community PDPS. Interested suppliers are invited to download, review and complete the document from the ProContract eTendering Platform and return them ahead of the deadline of 12:00 Noon on 02/10/2024 Please note: - these are drafts and will be amended prior to tender following comments from stakeholders - any clarification questions will need to wait until the tender itself. Please note, expressions of interest in this Market Engagement do not equate to an expression of interest in any upcoming regulated procurement activity. The Authority is not accepting expressions of interest in any upcoming procurement activity at this time. [...]

Guidance for when undertaking noise impact assessments for pile driving in the marine environment

Peterborough - JNCC SUPPORT

TenderAmendment Published: 18th September 2024 14:05:16 PM   Contracts Finder

To develop and produce guidance for industry to undertake underwater noise risk assessments for pile-driving operations in the UK, focussed on the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish. To meet the offshore renewable energy targets set out by the UK government and devolved administrations, a substantial increase in the number and size of offshore wind farms will be required. This, in turn, may result in a considerable increase in the amount of impact piling being carried out within UK waters (including English, Welsh, Scottish, N.Irish, inshore and offshore). Piling can be used for the installation of both fixed and floating windfarms and well as other structures such as harbour pontoons, and involves forcing a supporting or retaining structure into the seabed using a hydraulic hammer. To meet the overall aim of this project (Section 2), the objectives are: 4.1. Review key publications relating to underwater noise risk assessments of piling noise (e.g. source characterisation, sound propagation, sound exposure modelling and criteria) summarising new findings as well as recommended methods for improving noise risk assessments of the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish from piling. 4.2. Based on the outputs of Objective 1, develop detailed guidance for assessing the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish posed by piling noise in UK waters. 4.3. Discussion of potential further improvements to noise risk assessments that may be possible to implement in piling assessments in the short to medium term. Available budget The total value of this project is £60,000 (GBP) including VAT If interested in this project [...]

Ocean Country Partnership Programme: Maldives Scoping user needs for an environmental data management system in the Maldives

Peterborough - JNCC SUPPORT

Tender Published: 16th September 2024 12:01:15 PM   Contracts Finder

This contract is being delivered by JNCC on behalf of the Maldives Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA have requested support to develop a data management system to facilitate storage and access to data across the divisions within the department. This project aims to support the EPA by undertaking a scoping exercise to build understanding around the need for a data management system for use across Government departments and by stakeholders throughout the Maldives. The project will do this by collecting information about what potential users want, need and how they would use the database. The outcomes of this scoping would feed into the specification for the development of a future database. If interested in this project potential bidders are invited to download the following documents and complete the conflict of interest form and the acceptance form of our terms and conditions attached to the invitation to tender letter (ITT). [...]

COR0924 Survey DNA Analysis

Peterborough - JNCC SUPPORT

Tender Published: 13th September 2024 11:18:18 AM   Contracts Finder

2. Contract Summary JNCC wishes to commission a contract to undertake analysis of benthic DNA samples that will be collected during the COR0924 survey to a region offshore of St Kilda in Autumn 2024. Bidders are invited to provide a quote to include: • Cost of analysis per sample for up to 80 DNA samples; • Cost of reporting; and • Cost of storing actual samples for one year in case of future analyses dependent on funding. The contract, with any remedial actions following JNCC's quality checks, will need to be fully completed by March 2025. 3. Project Background and Aims Metaprobes have been increasingly used in recent years to passively collect DNA from marine habitats. They have the potential to provide a relatively cheap and minimal extra effort method of sampling DNA in marine ecosystems, complementing existing traditional survey methods. Metaprobes have been deployed in inshore waters but there is limited understanding of their use in offshore waters. JNCC aim to address this research gap by asking the overarching question: Can we detect benthic species offshore using eDNA collected with metaprobes? JNCC will be collaborating with Agri-Food and Bioscience Institute (AFBI) to undertake an offshore survey aboard the RV Corystes to a region offshore of St Kilda (survey code COR0924). The survey will depart Belfast Harbour on 26th September 2024 and return to the same port on 11th October 2024. During the survey, 36 sledge camera tows (Figure 1) will be conducted, providing an ideal opportunity to test collecting eDNA using metaprobes in the offshore benthic environment and to compare findings [...]

Guidance for when undertaking noise impact assessments when using explosives in the marine environment

Peterborough - JNCC SUPPORT

TenderAmendment Published: 12th September 2024 15:51:59 PM   Contracts Finder

To develop and produce guidance for marine industries in the UK that plan to use explosives (including for clearing unexploded ordnance) in the marine environment. This will cover (as a minimum): an introduction with purpose of guidance, when a noise assessment is required and the relevant consenting processes; what is required in terms of describing the activity and characteristics of the sound sources; describing species sensitivities, justifying the use of appropriate source and propagation models, recommending the parameters to be used in noise modelling (e.g. environmental) and sound exposure estimates, auditory injury criteria and metrics, and how best to present the results; as well as the information that should be captured (by the operator) once the activity is underway. To meet the overall aim of this project (Section 2), the objectives are to provide: 1. Review key publications relating to underwater noise risk assessments of explosive noise (e.g. source characterisation, sound propagation, sound exposure modelling and criteria) summarising new findings as well as recommended methods for improving noise risk assessments of the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish from explosive noise 2. Based on the outputs of Objective 1, develop detailed UK guidance for assessing the risk of injury to marine mammals and fish posed by explosive noise. 3. Provide a protocol for sound field verification, that can be employed during the operations to verify the conclusions in the noise risk assessments. This also needs to consider the findings from the review under Objective 1. 4. Discussion of potential further improvements to noise [...]

1,147 results - Page 1

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