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358 results - Page 1

Stockport Design Code Pathfinder and Planning Skills Delivery Fund


Tender Published: 18th September 2024 16:17:21 PM   Contracts Finder

Stockport has been selected as part of DLUHC's next round of design code pathfinders and has been awarded £120,000 of funding. We are looking for a consultant to prepare an authority-wide design code for the borough with a focus on optimising density through the design of new development. This would recognise the need for new development across the borough while also ensuring developments complement and enhance their surroundings and create liveable environments. As part of the pathfinder project, we are required to explore how design codes can reduce opposition to new development, by empowering local communities to set standards that they expect all new development to meet, by winning hearts and minds. [...]

Social Value through Collaborative Resourcing of Capital Works


Planning Published: 17th September 2024 10:43:59 AM   Find a Tender Service

Stockport Homes Limited and Three Sixty SHG Limited (together referred to as SHG) requires the provision of employment and training services, focussed on opportunities for employment and training (including pre-employment training, training and education in a classroom setting and on-the-job training) through work on SHG's void properties, capital works on SHG's housing stock and other work opportunities. This opportunity encompasses the employment and training services (and other social, economic and environmental objectives) alongside the works requirements. CPV codes: 45000000 45100000 45300000 45400000 80000000 80500000 80531000 80550000 50700000 [...]

12303 School Swimming Transport (2025 - 2026)


Tender Published: 3rd September 2024 11:12:44 AM   Contracts Finder

Stockport Council is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified contractor for the School Swimming Transport (2025 - 2026). For a full specification for this opportunity, please register you interest. Submissions shall be received by the Council by the closing date and time stated within the Instruction for Tendering document. No submission received after the closing date and time will be accepted other than where there are exceptional circumstances which may be considered by the Director of STAR Procurement in their sole discretion. Please note that tender submissions which are only partly uploaded at the closing date and time will be considered to have not been received and will be rejected by the Council. In submitting your quotation you agree to contract on the terms and conditions as detailed on The Chest. Due to the Council's obligations of fairness and equal treatment to all bidders it cannot accept amendments to these terms and conditions or alternative terms and conditions. If you seek to amend the terms and conditions or submit alternative terms and conditions the Council may reject your quotation. Additional information: Please note: all tender documents are available, free of charge via [...]

12303 School Swimming Transport (2025 – 2026)


Tender Published: 3rd September 2024 11:06:40 AM   Find a Tender Service

This requirement is for the provision, to Stockport Council, of transport for School children and Teachers from multiple Schools to attend swimming sessions at a named swimming baths. Transport will be required for all schools on each contract attending a named swimming baths. The contract will run from 01 January 2025 to 31 August 2026 with the option to extend for further periods of time up to 24 months in aggregate, to 31 August 2028. [...]

Automatic Door Equipment Process


Tender Published: 19th August 2024 15:15:04 PM   Contracts Finder

Stockport NHS Foundation Trust - Automatic Door Equipment Process This to cover call outs and quoted works. To carry out the service maintenance/safety inspection as per BS EN 16005/7036-0 to the automatic door equipment at the following locations: [...]

Active Fire Protection - PPM & Repair


Tender Published: 13th August 2024 14:38:30 PM   Contracts Finder

Servicing and maintenance of fire alarms, emergency lighting, sprinkler & fire suppression systems, portable firefighting equipment, smoke ventilation systems and fire curtains throughout our portfolio. [...]

Active Fire Protection - PPM & Repair


Tender Published: 13th August 2024 14:33:06 PM   Find a Tender Service

Servicing and maintenance of fire alarms, emergency lighting, sprinkler & fire suppression systems, portable firefighting equipment, smoke ventilation systems and fire curtains throughout our portfolio. [...]

Active Fire Protection - PPM & Repairs


Planning Published: 13th August 2024 14:20:12 PM   Find a Tender Service

Servicing and maintenance of fire alarms, emergency lighting, sprinkler & fire suppression systems, portable firefighting equipment, smoke ventilation systems and fire curtains throughout our portfolio. [...]

Architect Framework


Tender Published: 13th August 2024 09:50:55 AM   Find a Tender Service

NHS PS is seeking to develop a framework of suppliers for Architect Services covering various sites across England.

This Tender is split into four Geographic Lots. Suppliers may bid for as many or as few of these lots as they wish. NHS PS will appoint a maximum of seven suppliers to each Lot. There are no restrictions or limits on the number of Lots which a Tenderer can be successful in. [...]

P0521b- Dishwasher Maintenance


Tender Published: 12th August 2024 14:02:19 PM   Contracts Finder

Provision of maintenance for commercial and domestic dishwashers. Please contact Nadia Kardahji-Bould to get link to the opportunity. [...]

358 results - Page 1

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