Find a Tender for Chemical Products

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1,135 results - Page 1

Chlorantraniliprole (insecticide) supply


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 18:05:12 PM   Find a Tender Service

Framework agreement for supply and delivery of Chlorantraniliprole (insecticide) suitable for use in forestry situations and in our forest nurseries [...]

Pilot Scale Phosphoramidites


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 16:00:06 PM   Find a Tender Service

CPI are installing equipment for the pilot scale manufacturing of oligonucleotides at the MMIC site near Glasgow. To support this work, a supply of various phosphoramidites is required on a scale of 100g and is desired on a scale of 1 kg. This tender will aim to supply CPI with these materials for use at the MMIC site. [...]

Chlorantraniliprole (insecticide) supply


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 15:15:03 PM   Contracts Finder

Framework agreement for supply and delivery of Chlorantraniliprole (insecticide) suitable for use in forestry situations and in our forest nurseries [...]

Pilot Scale Phosphoramidites


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 14:28:50 PM   Contracts Finder

The aim of this tender is to establish preferred and CPI approved suppliers for the supply of GMP Phosphoramidite materials for use by CPI in pilot-scale manufacturing of oligonucleotides at the MMIC site near Glasgow. The materials will be used in the manufacture of materials going into clinical trials; therefore, supplier approvals and a Quality Technical Agreement will be required. Because of the limited storage capabilities at the current site and the fast-paced nature of certain projects, the main requirement is delivery speed and flexibility in the format of reagents required. Please note items detailed within the tender are for indicative purposes, and CPI reserves the right to order materials of a similar nature not explicitly detailed in the tender specification with the chosen supplier(s) selected under this tender. Additional information: For more information please see the tender documentation, that is free to access on Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No [...]

Pilot Scale Phosphoramidites


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 00:00:00 AM   Public Contracts Scotland

CPI are installing equipment for the pilot scale manufacturing of oligonucleotides at the MMIC site near Glasgow. To support this work, a supply of various phosphoramidites is required on a scale of 100g and is desired on a scale of 1 kg. This tender will aim to supply CPI with these materials for use at the MMIC site. [...]

Pilot Scale Phosphoramidites


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 00:00:00 AM   Public Contracts Scotland

CPI are installing equipment for the pilot scale manufacturing of oligonucleotides at the MMIC site near Glasgow. To support this work, a supply of various phosphoramidites is required on a scale of 100g and is desired on a scale of 1 kg. This tender will aim to supply CPI with these materials for use at the MMIC site. [...]

Supply of Weed Control Products


Tender Published: 4th September 2024 14:16:00 PM   Contracts Finder

Framework Agreement contract is for the Supply and Delivery of Weed Control Products. (Weed Killer products). The Council intends to appoint the successful Supplier as number one ranked bidder on the framework. The second placed bidder will be held in reserve. Please access the tender documentation for free for full details of the specification and requirements via the NEPO Procontract & access the tender using reference DN739406. If you have any problems accessing the documents via the system, please contact the NEPO helpdesk as detailed below. The E-tendering System Support is provided for Providers by the NEPO portal administration organisation Proactis. Please use the method below that is appropriate to the issue that you are experiencing. • Proactis Supplier Support Helpdesk Ticketing System ( - To be used by Suppliers for non-time critical issues i.e. password resets / account queries, finding information, accessing the tender, etc. • Email ( - To be used in same way as ticketing system. Any emails to this address will auto-log a support ticket on Proactis Supplier Support Helpdesk. [...]

Framework Agreement for Supply of Weed Control Products


Tender Published: 4th September 2024 14:06:40 PM   Find a Tender Service

Framework Agreement contract is for the Supply and Delivery of Weed Control Products. (Weed Killer products). The Council intends to appoint the successful Supplier as number one ranked bidder on the framework. The second placed bidder will be held in reserve. The documents must be downloaded from and insert DN reference DN739406 within the supplier area. Please refer to ITT2 Part 1 Contract Specification for full details of the specification. [...]

Early Engagement - DfT National Capability Testing Centre


Planning Published: 4th September 2024 11:52:16 AM   Contracts Finder

Deadline extension to the below Early Engagement Notice. The National Capability Testing Centre is a key part of the Department for Transport's (DfT) testing capabilities and provides a central location for the handling, manufacture and disposal of explosives against national and international standards, such as, but not limited to, European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) as well as the storing of firearms and knives. DfT need a new site and we are currently assessing the market capabilities on offer, before defining our detailed requirements. Participation will not guarantee being a part of any future procurement. If any future procurement is restricted to certain suppliers, a suitable set of criteria will be applied to select participants. Suppliers are invited to complete and return the attached Questionnaire by 5pm, Friday 20th September. Further response guidance can be found within the attachment. We welcome all feedback. All responses will be treated as Commercially Sensitive. [...]

ID 5420562 - DOJ State Pathologists Department - Supply of Consumables


Tender Published: 30th August 2024 16:34:16 PM   Find a Tender Service

State Pathologists Department (SPD) is seeking to establish a contract for the supply and delivery of laboratory consumables. a body within the Department of Justice (DOJ) which operates at arms’ length to the Department. The statutory duties of the State Pathologist and his department are contained in the Coroners Act (Northern Ireland) 1959 and Coroners Rules 1963. SPD's requirements vary greatly, therefore for the purposes of this contract, the requirements have been split into Lots as follows: Lot 1 – Laboratory Consumables, Lot 2 – Chemicals, Lot 3 – Dyes and Lot 4 – Mortuary Consumables. It is anticipated this contract will commence upon award and will remain in place for a total period of 3 years with the option to extend for 2 further periods of up to and including twelve (12) months each. [...]

1,135 results - Page 1

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