Find a Tender for Laboratory, Optical And Precision Equipments (Excl. Glasses)

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6,444 results - Page 1

UKRI-4309 BGS Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:05:13 PM   Find a Tender Service

The British Geological Survey is looking for supply and installation of an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer. [...]

UKRI-4309 BGS Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:05:05 PM   Contracts Finder

The British Geological Survey is looking for supply and installation of an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer. [...]

National Trust - NI - Mournes Climate Change Study Tender


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 14:17:38 PM   Contracts Finder

Climate Change Study for The Mournes, Northern Ireland . The purpose of this RFP is to invite a list of possible suppliers to provide the Trust with a proposal for the provision of a review of historic satellite imagery and development of a climate change study for the Mournes. This will allow the Trust to understand which supplier will be capable of meeting the requirements and to identify a preferred supplier based on the information returned. The National Trust is seeking a total cost proposal from a suitably qualified Consultant to deliver the following: 1. Analysis of satellite imagery (from 1970's - present day) Review and analysis of historic satellite imagery to determine trends in the changes to the landscape (for example, habitat changes, wildfire scars, erosion etc.) across the High Mournes and environs. The Consultant will need to source the satellite imagery, for example, through the Sentinel Hub, and include any cost for this within their fee proposal. 2. Development of a climate change study examining the effects of climate change on the Mournes and how management should change to address it. The climate change study should have two elements: adaptation and mitigation. The study also needs to include stakeholder engagement to ensure that any proposed changes could be delivered in a way that protects people's interest in the Mournes and to assess the benefits of a landscape scale approach to mitigation and adaptation (i.e. collaboration between landowners/land managers) compared to a piecemeal Timescales • RFP issued to tenderers: 27th September 2024 [...]

DMC (Damp, Mould and Condensation) Hygrometers


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 12:41:20 PM   Contracts Finder

This contract will include the purchase of Analogue Thermometer and Hygrometers to provide to Kirklees residents to help them manage the temperature and relative humidity of their home environment. All Tender documentation is available at [...]

Laser Trapping Confocal Microscope


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 12:14:32 PM   Find a Tender Service

The Bioscience Technology Facility at the University of York provides open access to technology and research services for the biosciences in academia and industry. This unique facility allows access and support to a wide range of technologies and expertise in an integrated manner. As part of a recent award the University is pleased to invite proposals for a laser trapping confocal microscope. [...]

202425 4358 - Tuneable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer


Tender Published: 26th September 2024 18:05:11 PM   Find a Tender Service

Supply and commissioning of a Tuneable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer [...]

202425 4358 - Tuneable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer


Tender Published: 26th September 2024 16:05:05 PM   Contracts Finder

Supply and commissioning of a Tuneable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer [...]

Space Technology Solutions


Planning Published: 25th September 2024 16:17:00 PM   Contracts Finder

Space Technology Solutions is the next iteration of the Space Enabled and Geospatial services Dynamic Purchasing System and will continue to cover a broad scope for the space enabled technology market, including the geospatial ecosystem. Space Technology Solutions will also include an enhanced scope of services which have been requested through buyer and supplier engagement, and potentially services amalgamated from other CCS agreements where appropriate. Additional information: This Prior Information Notice is to signal an intention to commence market engagement with those within the Space and Geospatial market. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) are working in collaboration with The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and other public sector bodies to develop the government's route to market for Space Technology Solutions. We aim to exploit the flexibilities under the new procurement regulations (Procurement Act 2023), endeavouring to unlock opportunity through flexible commercial procedures. Crown Commercial Service intends to hold market engagement sessions during October 2024 for interested parties. The session will cover our objectives of any subsequent procurement exercise and the potential scope. There will be an opportunity to engage with the team, provide feedback and ask questions. Details of the virtual supplier engagement sessions and subsequent session(s) are included in the link below: Presentation slides, questions and answers will be made available after the session(s) on this page. The estimated value is an indicative value over the proposed 8 years and will be further reviewed, updated and confirmed following further engagement with customers. The date is the estimated date of publication, please refer to the CCS website page [...]

6,444 results - Page 1

How do I find tenders for Laboratory, Optical And Precision Equipments (Excl. Glasses)?

At D3 Tenders, we specialise in sourcing and aggregating procurement contracts from various sources, including: Contracts Finder, Find a Tender Service, Public Contracts Scotland, and Sell2Wales. Our goal is to make it easier for businesses like yours to discover and compete for lucrative public sector contracts for Laboratory, Optical And Precision Equipments (Excl. Glasses) (CPV Division 38).

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