Find a Tender for Transport Services (Excl. Waste Transport)

The UK's most advanced contract search & tender alert service

5,356 results - Page 1

Highway Adoption Support


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 18:07:17 PM   Contracts Finder

Highway Adoption Support Staff [...]

Highway Adoption Support


Planning, Tender Published: 27th September 2024 16:34:38 PM   Find a Tender Service

Highway Adoption Support Staff [...]

Hire of relief vessels for Jura


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:29:20 PM   Find a Tender Service

Argyll and Bute Council are looking to hire a relief vessel for Jura Route during the March-April period for the next three upcoming years (2025-2026-2027 dry docking periods) to allow maintenance of existing vessel for annual dry docking [...]

Purchase a second hand ship or purchase a long term charter option


Planning Published: 27th September 2024 15:12:26 PM   Contracts Finder

This PIN is issued to inform the market of an upcoming opportunity to provide a second hand RoRo vessel and/or a long-term charter service for Nuclear Transport Solutions (NTS). The suggested specification for the vessel is: • Vessel capable of receiving RoRo cargo, maximum length 150 m Beam 24m available either for sale, or 5 year bare boat time charter. • Generic RoRo cargo including IMDG cargo and project cargo. • Minimum Free height required: o main deck height minimum 5m? With direct access from ramp. We need the 5m2 per m2. • Deck and ramp loadings of minimum 5 t/m2. • Stern ramp or side ramp considered capable of taking the above loadings. • Maximum Age 20 year old and currently registered and classed with IACS society. The procurement will aim to provide a suitable vessel that can be utilised as part of the fleet to deliver third party services to our customer base. This notice is not a call for competition but an early indication to suppliers of our intentions to procure services in this area. [...]

Hire of relief vessels for Jura


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 00:00:00 AM   Public Contracts Scotland

Argyll and Bute Council are looking to hire a relief vessel for Jura Route during the March-April period for the next three upcoming years (2025-2026-2027 dry docking periods) to allow maintenance of existing vessel for annual dry docking [...]

7-Thur 26th Jan 11:00 Various


Planning Published: 26th September 2024 16:40:35 PM   Contracts Finder

Taxi contracts in Lincolnshire [...]

WFD - Invitation to Tender - local travel provider - Sri Lanka


Tender Published: 26th September 2024 15:53:14 PM   Contracts Finder

WFD is issuing this Invitation to Tender ("ITT") to a range of potential suppliers of services and would welcome a bid from your organisation. Due to the nature of the work WFD carries out, more than 50% of our staff and consultants travel on a regular basis. Our travel needs are often short-notice or subject to last-minute changes due to the changing needs of travellers. For the logistical arrangements of these business trips, WFD needs the services of a provider that can facilitate both an individual's travel arrangements, complex group trips, and VIP travel. The successful bidder will provide the following services: visas; international air travel; rail travel; ground transportation (e.g. transfers); event venue/meeting space finding and booking; and hotel bookings with no guaranteed minimum annual expenditure on travel and accommodation. This will need to be reflected in a flexible cost and billing structure. In particular, WFD is looking for a provider that has an effective booking process that conforms with our Safe & Sustainable Travel Policy and Expenditure Authorisation requirements, to enable staff to book their own travel if they wish to. Additionally, we require dedicated agents on hand to help with any queries or to fulfil offline travel bookings for staff and sponsored third party travellers and specialist agents to support with group, VIP, and complex booking needs. Please refer to the Invitation to Tender document for a full scope of work and details on how to bid. [...]

Unlocking Space for Government - Transport


Planning Published: 26th September 2024 13:37:15 PM   Contracts Finder

The Unlocking Space for Government (USG) programme is a UK Space Agency strategic initiative aimed at harnessing the UK's space-enabled capabilities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of UK government services and positioning Government to be a more proactive and intelligent anchor customer for the space sector. For the purposes of this RFI, the UK Space Agency is interested in space-enabled solutions that can address the following challenges and market opportunities within the Transport sector The UK Space Agency needs your input to ensure any future support or commercial opportunities are targeted towards the best use cases, that can be addressed by space-enabled solutions. This RFI will help guide UK Space Agency's interaction with potential and existing public sector end users of space-enabled applications and may help to shape and inform future support and commercial activities. We request responses to this RFI be submitted by 16th October 2024. Submissions of the completed questionnaire should be sent as either a Microsoft Word or PDF (Portable Document Format) to: with "Unlocking Space for Government - Transport" as the subject line. [...]

AU2372 Provision of Inter-Campus Transport - University of Aberdeen


Tender Published: 26th September 2024 09:14:52 AM   Find a Tender Service

The University of Aberdeen wish to appoint a contractor to operate an inter-campus transport service between the Old Aberdeen, Foresterhill, and Hillhead campuses at the University of Aberdeen. [...]

5,356 results - Page 1

How do I find tenders for Transport Services (Excl. Waste Transport)?

At D3 Tenders, we specialise in sourcing and aggregating procurement contracts from various sources, including: Contracts Finder, Find a Tender Service, Public Contracts Scotland, and Sell2Wales. Our goal is to make it easier for businesses like yours to discover and compete for lucrative public sector contracts for Transport Services (Excl. Waste Transport) (CPV Division 60).

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