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476 results - Page 1

BHCC EB Care Homes in Brighton and Hove Re-run Sep 2024


Tender Published: 23rd September 2024 09:41:40 AM   Find a Tender Service

The Council is seeking to award contracts within the boundaries of Brighton and Hove for the provision of Care Home beds on a spot purchase basis. Out of city care homes are contracted via an alternative route. Bidders who pass the qualifying criteria will be awarded a contract. Individual placements will be made on a spot purchase basis throughout the life of the contract.The Council guarantees no set volume of placements under this contract and reserves the right to contract for comparable provision through other means.Individual placements will be made via a brokerage process, where individual outcomes and costs are agreed between the Council and the Supplier. Further details are provided in the Service Specification. The Council reserves the right to reopen this tender process at a later date to award additional contracts for the same provision. See full documents for details, starting with the instructions in Schedule 3. This is a re-run of the tender from June and July 20 [...]

US_24444 - Purchase, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Training, Warranty and Post Warranty Support for Inverted Epifluorescent Microscopes and Cameras


Tender Published: 19th September 2024 13:29:10 PM   Contracts Finder

US_24444 - The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Training, Warranty and Maintenance of 10 Inverted Epifluorescence Microscopes with Monochrome Digital Cameras Including Software Plus, the replacement of digital cameras for the 10 existing Zeiss Axiovert A1 epifluorescence microscopes to bring them up to specification. [...]

Simple-to-use, lightweight, portable and robust microscopes preferably with relatively small bench-top footprint. These must have: • shutter or light shield in light path to block light from the transmitted light source • either a fluorescence filter cube slider or turret • Manual XY stage with coaxial knob • coarse and fine focus knob/wheel(s) • eyepieces with 10x magnification • adapter (and C-mount if required) to mount camera • light path selection • Phase slider or equivalent included with phase ring(s) • manufacturer approved UK Power Lead • Slide stage with inserts • an LED fluorescence light source • Filter sets fitted in filter cubes (as outlined on the specification tender) • Selected objectives (as outlined on the specification tender) • Camera (for new and existing microscope units – full descriptor on specification tender. • Delivery of goods to point of use in the teaching laboratory • Installation • Comprehensive training for a minimum of 5 members of staff • Warranty, support, service plan [...]

BHCC Cleaning & Clearance Services


Planning Published: 5th September 2024 17:22:47 PM   Find a Tender Service

Brighton & Hove City Council (the Council) are looking to undertake a Competitive Flexible Procedure (Procurement Act 2023) to deliver one or more cleaning and clearance suppliers to support the delivery of its Adult Social Care and Tenancy Management services. The intended outcome of the process is to award contract(s) to support individual service users and tenants across the city where a need has been identified for household de-cluttering, deep-cleaning, ad hoc cleans and regular cleaning services. The value of these services combined is approximately £500,000 per annum. Indicative contract length approximately 4 years. We will give consideration to structuring any contract by Lots, with regard to specialism, and/or to ensure adequate capacity, responsiveness, and to encourage participation by SMEs. We are seeking responses from potential providers who may be interested in being part of this process. Responses should include: • Organisation name • Organisation Address • Company no./vat registration • Contact info • Comments on the proposal We anticipate an informal engagement session on 01/10/24 and can provide further details of this on request. As a guide we are likely to publish tender documents in November 2024, with a view to award contract(s) in early 2025. Responses should be sent by email to This is not a call for competition [...]

Electric Vehicle Charge Points


Tender Published: 29th August 2024 17:06:47 PM   Find a Tender Service

The Council is sharing this Invitation to Tender to obtain professional, properly defined and priced propositions for the supply, installation, maintenance, support and management of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure within the Brighton and Hove area. The Council’s Phase 2 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Programme is supported with LEVI funding from OZEV to maximise the number of publicly accessible Chargepoints that the Concessionaire(s) can install on-street across the City. The Council’s strategic objective is for residents with no off-street parking to be within a short walk from a Chargepoint and it is our aim to install Chargepoints in every residential street throughout the City.The Council is looking for a Concessionaire(s) to set up and fund Phase 2 of the Council’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Programme, which will run alongside the current service operated by Blink Charging Ltd. The Programme will see a minimum of 1,650 publicly accessible on-street Ele [...]

BHCC EB - Healthwatch 2025


Tender Published: 22nd August 2024 09:49:32 AM   Find a Tender Service

Brighton and Hove City Council are seeking a provider to deliver its Healthwatch function from 1st April 2025. Local Healthwatch must be provided by an organisation which is a social enterprise as defined by the legislation.The Council is conducting a two-stage procedure under the Light touch regime in order to appoint a suitable Supplier, in accordance with Regulation 76 of the Regulations. Stage One comprises of Information Only questions and Pass/Fail questions. Bidders successful in Stage One will be invited to Stage Two which will comprise of either: A competitive tender stage (where multiple Bidders have passed Stage One), or, direct negotiation (where only a single Bidder has passed the Stage One).The Council may include a negotiation phase into the competitive tendering process as part of Stage Two. Full details on the process for Stage Two will be included in the Stage Two documentation. The Award Criteria for Stage Two will consist of both Quality and Price criterion. [...]

BHCC HZP Ageing Well 2025


Tender Published: 22nd August 2024 08:54:14 AM   Find a Tender Service

Brighton & Hove City Council is seeking to commission a Service Provider to design and deliver an integrated Ageing Well Service (AWS) which will support people to age well in Brighton & Hove. This service is jointly funded by BHCC Public Health and NHS Sussex to support the integration of health and care in a way that supports person-centred care, sustainability and better outcomes for people aged 50 years and over across the city. The AWS will be open to anyone aged 50 years and over but will target those people who are identified as being most at risk of a decline in their independence and wellbeing. The service will deliver a programme of innovative primary prevention and health promotion accessible via a Single Point of Contact (SPOC). [...]

US_24450 - Benchtop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer


Tender Published: 16th August 2024 13:01:58 PM   Contracts Finder

Purchase, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Training, Warranty and Post Warranty Support of a Benchtop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer [...]

Financial Market Data Feed


Planning Published: 14th August 2024 15:29:22 PM   Contracts Finder

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) will shortly be tendering for Financial Market Feed for initial period of 12-moths plus 2 x 12-moth optional extension periods via an Invitation to Tender (ITT) through TPR's e-Sourcing portal. The Financial Market Data Feed required daily via API or equivalent. The Financial Market Data Feed required is both UK and overseas primarily regarding indices for key financial assets and yields on bond indices on a daily basis. The feed is required automatically through an API or equivalent and to be provided in a secure and integrated manner and the format allows seamlessly feeds into TPR's data platform enabling easy and secure access and analysis. Please see attachment for instructions to express interest [...]

476 results - Page 1

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