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351 results - Page 1

Bromley Tier 2 Child Weight Management Service


Tender Published: 16th September 2024 13:25:56 PM   Contracts Finder

The London Borough of Bromley is inviting tenders from potential providers who are skilled and suitably qualified to provider a specialist child weight management Service. The Service should be multicomponent and include diet, physical activity and behaviour change techniques. The successful Provider must be ale to foster good relationships with users and design services for children and their families that are fun, engaging, interactive, visual and practical. The Service will consist of two programmes: Programme A:- School-based approach and Programme B:- Targeted Tier 2 Weight Management Service. The Council is seeking to appoint one provider to undertake both programmes [...]

Bromley Tier 2 Child Weight Management Service


Tender Published: 16th September 2024 13:23:19 PM   Find a Tender Service

The London Borough of Bromley is inviting tenders from potential providers who are skilled and suitably qualified to provider a specialist child weight management Service. The Service should be multicomponent and include diet, physical activity and behaviour change techniques. The successful Provider must be ale to foster good relationships with users and design services for children and their families that are fun, engaging, interactive, visual and practical. The Service will consist of two programmes: Programme A:- School-based approach and Programme B:- Targeted Tier 2 Weight Management Service. The Council is seeking to appoint one provider to undertake both programmes. The contract will start on 3rd February 2025 with a term of 2 years to 2nd February 2027. [...]

Accounts Payable Analytical Review


Tender Published: 16th September 2024 07:35:33 AM   Contracts Finder

The London Borough of Bromley (the Council) is seeking a new Service Provider to undertake a historical Accounts Payable analytical review at the Council. The payments and transactions to be analysed will cover a six (6) year period and will not cover any transactions less than five months old. The Council is seeking bids from Tenderers who are suitably qualified and experienced and have the capacity to manage the Project as set out in the Service Specification and accompanying Tender Documents. The Contract will commence November 2024 for an estimated period of one (1) year or until the analytical review has been completed. The Contract will be a task-based arrangement to analyse six (6) years' worth of transactions. If the initial review is successful, there will be the option to extend the timeframe of transactions under review at the sole discretion of the Council. [...]

Accounts Payable Analytical Review


Tender Published: 12th September 2024 15:44:33 PM   Find a Tender Service

The London Borough of Bromley (the Council) is seeking a new Service Provider to undertake a historical Accounts Payable analytical review at the Council. The payments and transactions to be analysed will cover a six (6) year period and will not cover any transactions less than five months old. The Council is seeking bids from Tenderers who are suitably qualified and experienced and have the capacity to manage the Project as set out in the Service Specification and accompanying Tender Documents. The Contract will commence November 2024 for an estimated period of one (1) year or until the analytical review has been completed. The Contract will be a task-based arrangement to analyse six (6) years’ worth of transactions. If the initial review is successful, there will be the option to extend the timeframe of transactions under review at the sole discretion of the Council. [...]

Accounts Payable Analytical Review


Tender Published: 12th September 2024 15:36:54 PM   Contracts Finder

The London Borough of Bromley (the Council) is seeking a new Service Provider to undertake a historical Accounts Payable analytical review at the Council. The payments and transactions to be analysed will cover a six (6) year period and will not cover any transactions less than five months old. The Council is seeking bids from Tenderers who are suitably qualified and experienced and have the capacity to manage the Project as set out in the Service Specification and accompanying Tender Documents. The Contract will commence November 2024 for an estimated period of one (1) year or until the analytical review has been completed. The Contract will be a task-based arrangement to analyse six (6) years' worth of transactions. If the initial review is successful, there will be the option to extend the timeframe of transactions under review at the sole discretion of the Council. [...]

Main Works Contractor - Bromley North Housing


Tender Published: 5th September 2024 16:01:07 PM   Find a Tender Service

The Council is seeking bids from Tenderers who are suitably qualified and experienced and have the capacity to manage the development at Bromley North Station Road Car Park to provide two blocks comprising 75 homes and a total of commercial space, as set out in the tender pack. This Tender is for the Main Works Contractor only. [...]

Main Works Contractor - Bromley North Housing


Tender Published: 5th September 2024 15:53:33 PM   Contracts Finder

The Council is seeking bids from Tenderers who are suitably qualified and experienced and have the capacity to manage the development at Bromley North Station Road Car Park to provide two blocks comprising 75 homes and a total of commercial space, as set out in the tender pack. This Tender is for the Main Works Contractor only. [...]

Principal Contractor - Manorfields Redevelopment


Tender Published: 3rd September 2024 08:09:54 AM   Contracts Finder

The Council is seeking suitable providers to undertake the refurbishment of Manorfields an existing building which comprising various units of single person; parent & child; and larger family accommodation. The refurbishment proposals and sequencing of the works should be considerate of a phased decanting of residents and staff. Manorfields is a Temporary Accommodation facility in a residential part of Orpington, close to the town centre and with very good transport connections. The facilities are where people stay for short periods of time whilst their housing needs are fully established or assessed. The length of time people stay can vary significantly from a few nights, to occasionally a few years in the more extreme cases. The current facility had some works carried out circa 8 years ago to convert it from an Older Person's Care Home into its current use. Manorfields currently has 62 rooms available for use. The existing building is generally a single storey structure with two storey areas to the extremities. The roof structure over the single storey areas comprises pitched roofs with concrete roof tiles, with some areas having a flat roof with felt roof coverings. The external skin of the perimeter external walls is generally of masonry construction with some areas to be rendered and of timber cladding with glazed areas. The external doors are aluminium double-glazed doors to main entrance and timber exit doors. The canopies are constructed with steel framed and glazed canopy. The windows are metal framed single and double-glazed windows, timber single glazed [...]

Supplier Engagement Event - Bromley Tier 2 Child Weight Management Programme


Planning Published: 30th August 2024 08:14:24 AM   Contracts Finder

The London Borough of Bromley is commissioning a Tier 2 Child Weight Management Programme. To address the need for a Tier 2 weight management service for children in Bromley, it is proposed to pilot two weight management programmes for school age children for 2 years. It is the Council's intention to appoint one specialist provider to deliver both weight management programmes. The Council is holding a supplier market engagement event on Monday 9th September 2024 from 2.30om. The event will be held via Microsoft Teams. Please note that this will be a soft market testing exercise and will not formally begin the procurement or constitute any commitment by the London Brough of Bromley. Potential participants must also note that a response to this request does not guarantee an invitation to participate in this or any future procurement that the Council may conduct. [...]

Q1400: Lone Working Devices


Tender Published: 28th August 2024 09:23:26 AM   Find a Tender Service

Lone Working Devices for Bromley Healthcare CIC [...]

351 results - Page 1

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