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423 results - Page 1

Integrated Urgent Care


TenderUpdate Published: 27th September 2024 09:13:50 AM   Find a Tender Service

The IUC contract in Suffolk and North East Essex is provided by Practice Plus Group (PPG). The contract expires on 31st October 2025, having been extended by two years. No further options to extend the existing contract are available. The IUC contract includes our 111 service, Clinical Advice Service (CAS) and Out of Hours (OoH). All elements of the contract are delivered directly by PPG with the exception of the OoH service in East and West Suffolk, which is provided via a sub-contracting arrangement with the Suffolk GP Federation (SGPF). [...]

Advantage Mentoring and Mental Health support for Care Leavers or Looked After Children.


TenderUpdate Published: 26th September 2024 07:28:23 AM   Find a Tender Service

This is an enhanced model, providing the only example of a piece of work dedicated to this cohort in the East of England to date. This is based on the Premier League Advantage Mentoring programme. Advantage is a unique partnership between two community assets and anchor institutions - the charitable arms of football clubs; known as Club Community Organisations (CCOs), and their local NHS. [...]

GB-Colchester: 0406 - Solar PV Array Edge Protection Solution


Tender Published: 20th September 2024 10:05:03 AM   Contracts Finder

Colchester Borough Homes on behalf of Colchester City Council (the Council) wishes to commission a contractor to install protection around the perimeter to existing Solar PV arrays on occupied Council owned residential properties to prevent bird and other wildlife access. Further details of the requirements can be found in the accompanying tender documents. Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. The contract is initially for 1 year with the option to extend for up to 2 years subject to satisfactory performance. The contract is valued at approximately £350k per annum. [...]

GB-Colchester: 0395 - Void Property Clearances


Tender Published: 19th September 2024 11:35:03 AM   Contracts Finder

Colchester Borough Homes on behalf of Colchester City Council (the Council) wishes to commission a contractor to undertake the clearance of Void properties and associated gardens, with an emphasis on safety, hygiene, and readiness for re-occupancy, sale, or demolition. The aim is to ensure that vacant properties and associated garden(s) are cleared within the stipulated timeframes and in accordance with all applicable regulations. Further details of the requirements can be found in the accompanying specification document. Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. This contract is initially for 12 months with the option to extend for up to 3 x 1 years by mutual agreement, subject to satisfactory performance. [...]

Keyworking Function


TenderUpdate Published: 19th September 2024 10:42:39 AM   Find a Tender Service

The Keyworking Function (KWF) has been developed as a response to the NHS England & NHS Improvement Long Term Plan (LTP) commitment that by 2023/24, children and young people with a learning disability, autism, or both, with the most complex needs will have a designated Keyworker: implementing the recommendations made by Dame Christine Lenehan. These are our children: a review by Dame Christine Lenehan. Initially, keyworker support has been provided to children and young people with a learning disability and/or who are autistic, to avoid unnecessary admission or overly lengthy stays in mental health or specialist learning disability settings, and to keep them and their families safe and well in their community. Every ICS now has an operational, or soon to be operational, keyworking service, funded by new money from the NHS Long Term Plan delivered through each of the seven NHS England regions. Some areas have already extended this offer to young people up to the age of 25. From 2023/24, it is expected that all ICSs will offer their keyworking services to young people up to the age of 25. In addition, by 2024, NHS England are due to deliver the "Keyworker Code of Practice". [...]

Lung Health Checks (exc. CT Scan)


TenderUpdate Published: 19th September 2024 10:38:42 AM   Find a Tender Service

This is a notice to inform the market of the intention to award a contract for NHS Lung Health Checks (exc. CT Scan) for North East Essex, Ipswich and East Suffolk and West Suffolk localities. [...]

Clinical Echocardiography Insourcing


Planning Published: 18th September 2024 10:06:16 AM   Find a Tender Service

This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to decision makers by [Procurement 26th September 2024. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award under the PSR.
2. The contract title and reference. Title: Clinical Echocardiography Insourcing ESNEFT2300 – Elective Services Ltd
3. The name and address of the registered office or principal place of business of the provider to whom an award is to be made. Elective Services Ltd, 20 – 22 Wenlock Road, London , N1 7GU.
4.A description of the relevant health care services to which the contract relates, including the most relevant CPV code Description – CPV Code – 85121231-1 Cardiology Services
5.The approximate lifetime value of the contract. £239,000.00 (1 year) 12th October 2024 – 11th October 2025
6. Any challenges to be sent to my email
Divisonal lead is Abbi Mckenzie - General Medicine (ipswich Medicine) [...]

GB-Colchester: Mixed Glass Recycling Collection Service


Tender Published: 13th September 2024 12:20:03 PM   Contracts Finder

Colchester City Council (the Council) wishes to commission a contractor to provide a collection, handling and processing service in respect of its mixed glass and jars recycling requirements from Shrub End Depot, 221 Shrub End Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 4RN. The tenderer shall pay Colchester City Council a fixed price per tonne for the material along with a percentage of any income gained from Packaging Recovery Notes (PRN's). There is no payment to the successful bidder. The tonnage of glass collected for the 2023/ 2024 financial year was 4417 Tonnes. Full details of the requirements are detailed within the associated documents. Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.The initial contract term will be two years, commencing Monday 2nd December 2024 for two years until 30th November 2026, with the option of a further 2-year extension. [...]

Provide CIC Cleaning ITT

Colchester - PROVIDE

Tender Published: 12th September 2024 16:45:08 PM   Contracts Finder

1.1. Provide Community Interest Company operate from a number of offices and clinics across Essex and East Anglia. Due to the growth of services offered over the last few years and the subsequent growth in the property estate, the company currently employs a number of different cleaning service companies across its estate. The objective of this ITT is to consolidate these services into one contract for cleaning services across the properties covered by this ITT. [...]

Provide CIC Cleaning ITT

Colchester - PROVIDE

Tender Published: 12th September 2024 14:46:28 PM   Find a Tender Service

1.1. Provide Community Interest Company operate from a number of offices and clinics across Essex and East Anglia. Due to the growth of services offered over the last few years and the subsequent growth in the property estate, the company currently employs a number of different cleaning service companies across its estate. The objective of this ITT is to consolidate these services into one contract for cleaning services across the properties covered by this ITT. [...]

423 results - Page 1

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