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353 results - Page 1

Guildford Urban Capacity Study [GBC]


TenderAmendment Published: 23rd September 2024 14:09:21 PM   Contracts Finder

Guildford Borough Council is seeking to appoint a supplier to undertake an urban capacity study within Guildford town centre and its environs. The Council is embarking on an update to its Local Plan and will need to identify a number of deliverable and developable site allocations in order to meet its increased housing need. Additional information: To place a submission for this tender please access via the below link, and login with your credentials if already registered on the SE Shared Service portal: If you are not registered on the SE Shared Services, and would like to place to submission for this tender, then please register your companies details via the below link. Once registered you will be able to access the tender documentation: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No [...]

Guildford Urban Capacity Study [GBC]


TenderAmendment Published: 23rd September 2024 14:09:04 PM   Contracts Finder

Guildford Borough Council is seeking to appoint a supplier to undertake an urban capacity study within Guildford town centre and its environs. The Council is embarking on an update to its Local Plan and will need to identify a number of deliverable and developable site allocations in order to meet its increased housing need. Additional information: To place a submission for this tender please access via the below link, and login with your credentials if already registered on the SE Shared Service portal: If you are not registered on the SE Shared Services, and would like to place to submission for this tender, then please register your companies details via the below link. Once registered you will be able to access the tender documentation: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No [...]

Guildford Urban Capacity Study [GBC]


TenderAmendment Published: 23rd September 2024 13:34:39 PM   Contracts Finder

Guildford Borough Council is seeking to appoint a supplier to undertake an urban capacity study within Guildford town centre and its environs. The Council is embarking on an update to its Local Plan and will need to identify a number of deliverable and developable site allocations in order to meet its increased housing need. Additional information: To place a submission for this tender please access via the below link, and login with your credentials if already registered on the SE Shared Service portal: If you are not registered on the SE Shared Services, and would like to place to submission for this tender, then please register your companies details via the below link. Once registered you will be able to access the tender documentation: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No [...]

Guildford Leisure Centres Management Contract


Planning Published: 18th September 2024 15:40:40 PM   Contracts Finder

Guildford Borough Council Market Warming Exercise This PIN is to alert interested suppliers that we are looking to identify potential service providers for the replacement of the current Guildford Borough Council Leisure Centre Management Contract which expires 30 SEP 2025. Those suppliers who wish to express an interest in this service requirement should email by 12:00 on 20 SEP 2024. Please find further information in the attached document. As part of this early market engagement, the Council is intending to hold one-to-one meetings with prospective operators on either Wednesday 25th September or Thursday 26th September. In order to participate in these meetings, prospective operators should contact to book a slot. In advance of these meetings, prospective operators are invited to provide brief written responses to the questions set out below. Please provide your response to these questions via email to within 4 days of your allocated meeting slot: 1) The Council is considering a 10 year contract term, with the potential for an extension of up to 5 years. Does this fit with your expectations? 2) The Council is considering a landlord/tenant split of responsibilities in respect of repairs and maintenance, with the Council retaining responsibility for the structure and fabric of the facilities and the operator taking on responsibility for all other aspects of repairs and maintenance. What is your opinion/experience of this type of split of responsibilities? 3) What is your preferred approach to risk sharing of utility costs (including risk share on consumption and tariff price) within a Leisure Operating Contract [...]

Guildford Leisure Centres Management Contract


Planning Published: 18th September 2024 15:37:06 PM   Contracts Finder

Guildford Borough Council Market Warming Exercise This PIN is to alert interested suppliers that we are looking to identify potential service providers for the replacement of the current Guildford Borough Council Leisure Centre Management Contract which expires 30 SEP 2025. Those suppliers who wish to express an interest in this service requirement should email by 12:00 on 20 SEP 2024. Please find further information in the attached document. As part of this early market engagement, the Council is intending to hold one-to-one meetings with prospective operators on either Wednesday 25th September or Thursday 26th September. In order to participate in these meetings, prospective operators should contact to book a slot. In advance of these meetings, prospective operators are invited to provide brief written responses to the questions set out below. Please provide your response to these questions via email to within 4 days of your allocated meeting slot: 1) The Council is considering a 10 year contract term, with the potential for an extension of up to 5 years. Does this fit with your expectations? 2) The Council is considering a landlord/tenant split of responsibilities in respect of repairs and maintenance, with the Council retaining responsibility for the structure and fabric of the facilities and the operator taking on responsibility for all other aspects of repairs and maintenance. What is your opinion/experience of this type of split of responsibilities? 3) What is your preferred approach to risk sharing of utility costs (including risk share on consumption and tariff price) within a Leisure Operating Contract [...]

National Specialist Security Services


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 10:39:35 AM   Contracts Finder

National Highways invites tenders for a National Specialist Security Services contract, to provide safe and effective management of protest and trespass incidents that affect the operation and improvement of the Strategic Road Network. The procurement is for a contract to provide the services described in the procurement documentation under an amended NEC4 Term Service Short Contract for a period of 5 years, up to a maximum value of 20 000 000 GBP. The service requirements include (but are not limited to) the following: - Response to incidents at short notice. - Provision of relevant updates during incidents. - Provision of support to the emergency services when requested during an incident. - Process serving of court papers and any other legal documents to intended recipient(s). - Provision of support and feedback during lessons learnt sessions to aid continuous improvement. - Provision of support and evidence as required, post-incident. The Contractor must be knowledgeable, experienced and professional in the removal of unauthorised people from affected National Highways land and premises whilst adhering to Health, Safety & Wellbeing standards. Any other body leading, delivering, managing, improving and/or maintaining any trunk road will be able to place a task order under the contract Additional information: The Contracting Authority will use an E-Sourcing Portal in this procurement exercise. Information on how to take part in this Tender is detailed below: 1. Register your company on the E-Sourcing Portal (this is only required once) Visit - and click the link to register Accept the terms and conditions and click 'continue' - Enter your business and user details [...]

National Specialist Security Services


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 10:34:28 AM   Find a Tender Service

National Highways invites tenders for a National Specialist Security Services contract, to provide safe and effective management of protest and trespass incidents that affect the operation and improvement of the Strategic Road Network. [...]

MS1 Digital sign transport stillage


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 07:45:12 AM   Contracts Finder

National Highways are looking to procure up to 100 no MS1 Digital Sign Transport Stillages. GRP/heavy duty plastic (or other suitable material) A-Frame stillages, they will need to be double sided and be able to safely transport 4 no. digital signs of any of the MS1 variant per stillage (2 per side) Each unit must be able to be removed without moving any other. The information screens to be transported will have a maximum dimensions can be found in the MS1 Digital Sign Transport Stillage Scope. The screens shall be partly visible when on the stillage and the entire face screen must be within the area of the frame. The rear couplings of each unit must be accessible. They will require a safe method of restraint for each unit individually to the stillage. The stillage will also require a 'soft' surface to the loading face to protect the screens. We would be looking to have methods for loading and unloading through the base for fork lifts with a multi access arrangement . The expected lifespan for each stillage (dependant on use) to be circa 7 years To sign up and access the tender documents once they are available, please visit the National Highways e-Sourcing portal I have also attached the guidance to sign up to the portal. Should you require assistance, please call e-Sourcing helpdesk on 0203 868 2859. [...]



Tender Published: 16th September 2024 15:39:36 PM   Find a Tender Service

National Highways are looking to procure up to 100 no MS1 Digital Sign Transport Stillages. GRP/heavy duty plastic (or other suitable material) A-Frame stillages, they will need to be double sided and be able to safely transport 4 no. digital signs of any of the MS1 variant per stillage (2 per side) Each unit must be able to be removed without moving any other. The information screens to be transported will have a maximum dimensions can be found in the MS1 Digital Sign Transport Stillage Scope. The screens shall be partly visible when on the stillage and the entire face screen must be within the area of the frame. The rear couplings of each unit must be accessible. They will require a safe method of restraint for each unit individually to the stillage. The stillage will also require a ‘soft’ surface to the loading face to protect the screens. We would be looking to have methods for loading and unloading through the base for fork lifts with a multi access arrangement . The expected lifespan for each stillage (dependant on use) to be circa 7 years Access to the tender documents will be on National Highways e-Sourcing Portal reference ITT_845 To sign up and access the tender documents once they are available, please visit the National Highways e-Sourcing portal I have also attached the guidance to sign up to the portal. Should you require assistance, please call e-Sourcing helpdesk on 0203 868 2859. [...]

Guildford Leisure Centres Management Contract


Planning Published: 12th September 2024 15:19:07 PM   Contracts Finder

Guildford Borough Council Market Warming Exercise This PIN is to alert interested suppliers that we are looking to identify potential service providers for the replacement of the current Guildford Borough Council Leisure Centre Management Contract which expires 30 SEP 2025. Those suppliers who wish to express an interest in this service requirement should email by 12:00 on 20 SEP 2024. Please find further information in the attached document. As part of this early market engagement, the Council is intending to hold one-to-one meetings with prospective operators on either Wednesday 25th September or Thursday 26th September. In order to participate in these meetings, prospective operators should contact to book a slot. In advance of these meetings, prospective operators are invited to provide brief written responses to the questions set out below. Please provide your response to these questions via email to within 4 days of your allocated meeting slot: 1) The Council is considering a 10 year contract term, with the potential for an extension of up to 5 years. Does this fit with your expectations? 2) The Council is considering a landlord/tenant split of responsibilities in respect of repairs and maintenance, with the Council retaining responsibility for the structure and fabric of the facilities and the operator taking on responsibility for all other aspects of repairs and maintenance. What is your opinion/experience of this type of split of responsibilities? 3) What is your preferred approach to risk sharing of utility costs (including risk share on consumption and tariff price) within a Leisure Operating Contract [...]

353 results - Page 1

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