NFSSF - 01 Lowland Heathland Restoration, Stanswood Valley on the Cadland Estate
TenderAmendment Published: 20th December 2024 15:37:31 PM Contracts FinderBackground to the project: Funding has been allocated for habitat restoration work at Stanswood Valley which is owned by the Cadland Estate. The site is part of the North Solent SSSI and North Solent National Nature Reserve. The area this contract covers is included within Unit 71 which supports lowland heathland. SSSI Unit 71 have recently in 2023 been downgraded from 'favourable' SSSI' status to 'unfavourable no change' status due to scrub and tree encroachment which has developed over parts of the site over recent decades Work objective: To restore lowland heathland Priority Habitat within Unit 71 of the North Solent SSSI and NNR on Cadland Estate. Achieved through removal of European gorse and scrub in specific locations and litter removal to manage the regrowth of European gorse. The work is targeted towards improving the conservation status of smooth snakes and adders on the site, although many other species associated with lowland heathland will also benefit. [...]