Find a Tender for Other Community, Social And Personal Services

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8,631 results - Page 1

UKRI-4287 Capel Dewi Decommissioning Services


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 18:05:04 PM   Find a Tender Service

UKRI is looking for a supplier for decommissioning services of a redundant weather array in Capel Dewi near Aberystwth in west Wales. Full details can be found in the specification within the Tender Pack. [...]

JLAD Decarbonisation Works


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 16:12:25 PM   Contracts Finder

You are invited to tender for decarbonisation works to the John Lennon Art and Design Building (JLAD) for Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). LJMU have provided a full specification and requirements within the ITT documents included within this tender. [...]

WH24004 - The Provision of Mediation Services


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:12:08 PM   Contracts Finder

Wolverhampton Homes (WH) is an Arm's Length Management Organisation that manages the City of Wolverhampton Council's (CWC) housing stock. WH provides the full range of landlord functions including responding to complaints of anti-social behaviour via Wolverhampton's cross-tenure Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) team and is committed to working with residents and partners to tackle such behaviour. WH regards mediation as a positive and powerful tool in combatting ASB. WH requires a mediation service provider to deliver a confidential, impartial service to help resolve interpersonal conflict; typical cases are ASB/disputes between neighbours and within communities. Total contract Value is £175,000 - contract term is 5 years. Tenders can be accessed at [...]

UKRI-4287 Capel Dewi Decommissioning Services


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:10:14 PM   Contracts Finder

UKRI is looking for a supplier for decommissioning services of a redundant weather array in Capel Dewi near Aberystwth in west Wales. Full details can be found in the specification within the Tender Pack. [...]

Community Falls Prevention Service


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:08:29 PM   Contracts Finder

The Community Falls Prevention Service will be required to provide a rolling, evidence based, postural stability exercise programme including muscle-strengthening and balance elements, individually prescribed, and monitored by an appropriately trained professional in a range of settings across Tameside. SCOPE OF THE SERVICE The service will provide a rolling, evidence based, postural stability exercise programme including muscle-strengthening and balance elements, individually prescribed, and monitored by an appropriately trained professional in a range of settings across Tameside. This opportunity is advertised under a light touch regime (CPV Code-98000000-3) [...]

WCC/RBKC Homecare and Reablement Framework.


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 13:55:02 PM   Find a Tender Service

Westminster City Council and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea are recommissioning their current homecare services and are seeking a range of Providers for inclusion on a closed framework agreement who can demonstrate a strong record of accomplishment in the delivery of domiciliary homecare services for adults. This opportunity is offered via a Multi-Lot Framework, consisting of 5 Lots in total. Service Overview: The homecare service will provide care and support to people in their own homes. This procurement is being conducted under the Light Touch Regime, providing flexibility in defining the procurement process. The Framework is a two-stage light touch process with restricted tender principles in accordance with Regulation 76 of the PCR. Framework Details: The Homecare Framework is based on a core neighbourhood approach, with the main Lot 1 providing the majority of the homecare provision across the boroughs, enhanced and supported by provision across a further four Lots. The Framework consists of five Lots, allowing the Councils to purchase packages of care on a spot basis in line with the call-off arrangements described within the ITT Pack. Invitation to Meet the Buyer Event We are pleased to invite potential bidders to a “Meet the Buyer” event for this upcoming tender. This event will be conducted via Microsoft Teams on Monday 7th October, 2024 This is an excellent opportunity to gain insights into the tender requirements, ask questions, and network with our commissioning and procurement teams. Event Details: • Date: Monday 7th October, 2024 • Time: 12:00hrs to 13:00hrs • Platform: Microsoft Teams • [...]

Independent Stalking Advisory Caseworker (ISAC) Services


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 13:37:03 PM   Contracts Finder

The service currently employees 2 full time Independent Advocacy Caseworker (ISAC) for Gloucestershire. The service is accessible to individuals 16 years and above. The ISAC service leads on support for all non-domestic abuse high risk cases within the County, whilst working closely in partnership with other local commissioned services to support victims of all risk levels and victims domestic abuse related stalking where appropriate. [...]

Domestic Services


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 12:21:07 PM   Contracts Finder

Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust have a requirement for a domestic services provider. This is a trust wide service. The contract is for a period of 36 months with optional 2 x 12 month extensions. The estimated start date is the 1st of May 2025 with a view of a mobilisation period prior to this date. Tenders will be submitted electronically via the Cardea Portal. [...]

Provision of Domestic Services


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 12:20:33 PM   Find a Tender Service

Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust have a requirement for domestic services supplier, to provide Cleaning Services to the designated Trust premises on a scheduled and ad hoc basis. The contract term is 36 months with a possible extension of 2 x 12 months. [...]

Multi Lots 1-4 Housing Related Support Services


Tender Published: 26th September 2024 10:17:41 AM   Contracts Finder

The London Borough of Merton ("the Council") is inviting tenders to provide Housing Related support to residents in the borough. This tender is being offered as 4 Lots: Lot 1 - Supported accommodation for 23 Single people with a Mental Health diagnosis. Lot 2 - Homelessness Prevention Housing Related Support Service for (Adults) - at risk of Homelessness Lot 3 - Homelessness Prevention Housing Related Supported for (Young people) at risk of Homelessness Lot 4 - Supported Housing service for 80 Single Adults at risk of Homelessness [...]

8,631 results - Page 1

How do I find tenders for Other Community, Social And Personal Services?

At D3 Tenders, we specialise in sourcing and aggregating procurement contracts from various sources, including: Contracts Finder, Find a Tender Service, Public Contracts Scotland, and Sell2Wales. Our goal is to make it easier for businesses like yours to discover and compete for lucrative public sector contracts for Other Community, Social And Personal Services (CPV Division 98).

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