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4,344 results - Page 1

Cardiff Riding School


Planning Published: 27th September 2024 15:05:28 PM   Find a Tender Service

Cardiff Riding School is the only Local Authority operated equestrian facility in Wales delivering riding lessons for schools, children and adults, disability groups, children`s parties and more recently for alternative curriculum for children at risk of failing in mainstream education. It also provides a livery for private horse owners. [...]

Generic Floating Support


Planning Published: 27th September 2024 13:36:10 PM   Find a Tender Service

Cardiff Council would like to notify the market for an upcoming opportunity for Generic Floating Support. It is anticipated that a total of 2 contracts will be awarded, for a maximum period of 3 years. The tender is estimated to go live w/c 28th October 2024. The primary purpose of the service is to support service users to resolve their immediate uncertain housing situation and to develop the necessary skills and confidence to manage their independence. The Service should be achieved through: Services that build the capacity and ability of individuals or households to maintain a home. Services that prevent homelessness or the need for an individual to live in an inappropriate institutional setting or require statutory intervention. Providing or enabling access to suitable housing for individuals or households. Services that mitigate the impact of homelessness on individuals or households. Raising awareness and understanding with other professionals and with the wider public, including in schools and colleges. Action to enforce legislation intended to secure and maintain access to good quality homes. For example, legislation that places duties on landlords to be registered and regarding the management of tenancies. Supporting service users to access appropriate mental health services. Signposting to specialist agencies/services in the community. In complex cases co-ordinate a multi-agency approach to ensuring consistent and continuity of support for the service user. [...]

Cardiff Riding School


Planning Published: 27th September 2024 00:00:00 AM   Sell2Wales

Cardiff Riding School is the only Local Authority operated equestrian facility in Wales delivering riding lessons for schools, children and adults, disability groups, children`s parties and more recently for alternative curriculum for children at risk of failing in mainstream education. It also provides a livery for private horse owners. [...]

Generic Floating Support


Planning Published: 27th September 2024 00:00:00 AM   Sell2Wales

Cardiff Council would like to notify the market for an upcoming opportunity for Generic Floating Support. It is anticipated that a total of 2 contracts will be awarded, for a maximum period of 3 years. The tender is estimated to go live w/c 28th October 2024. The primary purpose of the service is to support service users to resolve their immediate uncertain housing situation and to develop the necessary skills and confidence to manage their independence. The Service should be achieved through: Services that build the capacity and ability of individuals or households to maintain a home. Services that prevent homelessness or the need for an individual to live in an inappropriate institutional setting or require statutory intervention. Providing or enabling access to suitable housing for individuals or households. Services that mitigate the impact of homelessness on individuals or households. Raising awareness and understanding with other professionals and with the wider public, including in schools and colleges. Action to enforce legislation intended to secure and maintain access to good quality homes. For example, legislation that places duties on landlords to be registered and regarding the management of tenancies. Supporting service users to access appropriate mental health services. Signposting to specialist agencies/services in the community. In complex cases co-ordinate a multi-agency approach to ensuring consistent and continuity of support for the service user. [...]

2024H000089.00 Provision of Pest Control Services


Tender Published: 26th September 2024 10:45:20 AM   Sell2Wales

The successful Service Provider shall provide a fully inclusive service, includingmonitoring, surveying and immediate treatment of pests, provide the minimumspecified number of scheduled visits to sites per year, adopt procedures to prevent thelocations becoming infested and will pro-actively monitor for evidence of Pestsadvising on/implementing corrective actions as necessary to ensure the locations arekept free from pests.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at (WA Ref:144784)Under the terms of this contract the successful supplier(s) will be required to deliver Community Benefits in support of the authority’s economic and social objectives. Accordingly, contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations. The Community Benefits included in this contract are:See Schedule 1 specificationThe buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding. [...]

Removal of Damaged Lagging and Replacement on Sherman Theatre Roof Areas


Tender Published: 26th September 2024 10:43:11 AM   Sell2Wales

Sherman Theatre is looking for a suitably qualified contractor to deliver specialist services to renew the lagging insulation and protection thereof of duct work supplying the air handling units on the roof of the Sherman Theatre site. Included as part of this tender is the requirement to remove and safely dispose of all damaged insulation currently attached to duct work at the rear of the building on and attached to the air handling units on the external roof. This disposal to include all lagging also attached to pipework that supplies re-heaters to the ductwork. Once this work has been completed new panels and lagging to be lifted into position and attached to all of the ductwork and pipework. Finally, there is a requirement for all of the above to be covered in aluminium sections to provide long term protection from the elements and birds.Information and an overview of Sherman Theatre’s operations can be found on our website: company is committed to reducing its impact on the environment through implementing various policies including working with partners who have strong environmental credentials and accreditations.The initial contract is offered for a contract period determined by the timeframe of completion of the project but with an absolute cutoff date for completion of Friday 21st February 2025.1.1 Project Goals and ObjectivesThe objective of this project is to safely remove and dispose of all the damaged lagging currently attached to the ductwork on the Sherman Theatre external roof areas and to replace all lagging as new [...]

Catherine Gardens Play Area Rumney, Cardiff


Tender Published: 26th September 2024 09:06:25 AM   Sell2Wales

Restoration to the fenced play area. This will involve the removal of play equipment, bark mulch surfacing and associated edging, and gate relocation. A new design will include new play equipment, EPDM rubber safety surfacing, and fence repainting- Upgrade to the area labelled ‘Seating area’. New unit paving will be added to replace a worn tarmac surface. New EPDM rubber surfacing replaced at the base of the slides. Several new picnic tables, bins, and seating will be added.- Replacement of the two slides. New trees will also be added near this area.As part of a future phase, a new flight of steps and handrails are being considered and have been included in this tender as Optional Pricing, which is subject future funding. Please provide an optional price for the replacement of the steps and handrails which is detailed on the drawings, specifications, and BoQ. Please do not combine in the base bid (listed above). The contractor will be requested to hold their price for 90 days. Any market changes beyond this, the contractor will be invited to make amendments to their price for the steps/handrails. This tender is not a guarantee that the optional works will be added to the project. Refer to the BoQ and tender documents for further information.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at (WA Ref:144794)The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding. [...]

Upgrade of Present Fire Detection & Alarm Systems at SWNC


Tender Published: 25th September 2024 15:40:42 PM   Sell2Wales

Sport Wales is currently looking to upgrade of Present Site Fire Detection & Alarm Systems at Sport Wales National Centre. The tender should include a 3-year service agreement.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. Please see attached tender documents.(WA Ref:144790) [...]

Courier Service


Planning Published: 25th September 2024 14:14:54 PM   Contracts Finder

Companies House requires information on suppliers' capability and capacity to provide the services detailed below. Reponses to the EOI will be used to refine our requirements, gauge the market and to provide notification to the market of our upcoming requirement to facilitate supplier readiness. Companies House use an E - Sourcing Portal you will need to click on view published opportunities and click to register your interest against Courier Service C1244. To view further documentation including EOI Document, Draft Specification and Draft Pricing Schedule please visit the Companies House Supplier Portal. By visiting the Companies House Supplier Portal please advise if you are interested in bidding for this opportunity. Please provide a response to the questions around our draft specification, SLA and Pricing Schedule. If you are not interested in bidding, please provide reason(s) as this is valuable feedback for Companies House. Background: Courier Services primarily for the distribution of IT equipment such as Laptops & miscellaneous equipment supporting Companies House hybrid employees in working from home. Majority of collections are locally delivered from the Cardiff office, for the delivery of desks, chairs, footstools and IT equipment. The service will also be used for other movements as detailed for example shipments to 'The National Archives'. We are looking at putting in a 4 year contract from between the 1/02/2024 - 1/03/2024. This contract is demand driven. No guarantees are made to the volume of deliveries that will be requested from the successful bidder. You will however be Companies House's exclusive courier. We forecast approximate volumes [...]

Courier Service


Planning Published: 25th September 2024 14:06:38 PM   Contracts Finder

Companies House requires information on suppliers' capability and capacity to provide the services detailed below. Reponses to the EOI will be used to refine our requirements, gauge the market and to provide notification to the market of our upcoming requirement to facilitate supplier readiness. Companies House use an E - Sourcing Portal you will need to click on view published opportunities and click to register your interest against Courier Service C1244. To view further documentation including EOI Document, Draft Specification and Draft Pricing Schedule please visit the Companies House Supplier Portal. By visiting the Companies House Supplier Portal please advise if you are interested in bidding for this opportunity. Please provide a response to the questions around our draft specification, SLA and Pricing Schedule. If you are not interested in bidding, please provide reason(s) as this is valuable feedback for Companies House. Background: Courier Services primarily for the distribution of IT equipment such as Laptops & miscellaneous equipment supporting Companies House hybrid employees in working from home. Majority of collections are locally delivered from the Cardiff office, for the delivery of desks, chairs, footstools and IT equipment. The service will also be used for other movements as detailed for example shipments to 'The National Archives'. We are looking at putting in a 4 year contract from between the 1/02/2024 - 1/03/2024. This contract is demand driven. No guarantees are made to the volume of deliveries that will be requested from the successful bidder. You will however be Companies House's exclusive courier. We forecast approximate volumes [...]

4,344 results - Page 1

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