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1,279 results - Page 1

SSQ for the Catering Services at the New Derby Business School


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:33:13 PM   Contracts Finder

The type of provision to students, staff, visitors, and the public is envisaged to be a range of hot and cold beverages, hot and cold meals. These will be delivered via an innovative, flexible, and diverse menu served across breakfast and lunch services. In addition to the provision of catering services for the building, it is also expected that the successful tenderer will support in the delivery of ordered refreshments and day delegate packages throughout the day (where required), currently expected to be from Monday to Friday initially. Additional ad-hoc event catering will also need to be supported, which may be different from the regular menu offering, and may involve weekend and evening events (with both prior notice and agreement). The University will be looking for innovative ideas for a scalable catering provision, which can grow in the future as the building becomes a hub for local businesses and students. Suppliers will play a proactive role in generating increased demand for services (such as theme nights and events) to drive an evening trade within the space. The kitchen and dining spaces have been designed as part of the overall building and will be provided as a turn-key solution (to the specifications to be available as part of the tender process). There will be no up-front capital investment required by the incoming supplier, to operate this space from day one. The ongoing maintenance of equipment will be the responsibility of the University of Derby for the duration of this agreement. The expectation of the process is that this solution will generate an income for the University (details will be set out in [...]

Catering Services to the New Business School


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 15:24:23 PM   Find a Tender Service

The University of Derby "The Authority" is seeking to undertake a procurement exercise for the provision of catering services in the Derby Business School (New Derby Business School - Derby Business School - University of Derby), which is due to open in Spring 2025. This building is a Net Zero building, and the commitment to operating this venture in line with this ethos is expected of all suppliers [...]

Women's Health Wellness on Wheels (WoW) Bus Support on behalf of NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)


TenderAmendment Published: 27th September 2024 13:57:14 PM   Contracts Finder

NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board invite competitive quotations from suitably qualified and experienced providers in Norfolk and Waveney for the provision of Women's Health Wellness on Wheels (WoW) Bus Support The key aims of the project are to: • Listen to women's views and gather insights from experiences, in order to better understand barriers to healthcare access and potential solutions. • Respond to issues immediately arising from conversations, the Women's health champions will be equipped to provide information and signpost to relevant organisations that may be able to address issues raised. • Signpost and facilitate access to primary, community and specialist services as indicated. • Promote and facilitate access to services available on the WoW Bus We are looking for a provider or a consortium of providers to work in partnership with the ICB and public health and • Have connections/existing relationships with women living and working with communities in areas of higher deprivation in Norfolk and Waveney. • Have an excellent understanding of different protected characteristics and how this affects people's experiences of health and care. • Have excellent understanding of barriers to health faced by women living in Core20 areas in areas of higher deprivation in Norfolk and Waveney. • Understand local community groups and where communities congregate and to engage with people within their own settings (outreach outside of the areas reached by the WoW Bus) • Have a proven track record in demonstrating impact by capturing and evidencing of the work undertaken. • Provide a women's health champion to accompany the Bus, with the appropriate skills [...]

Women's Health Wellness on Wheels (WoW) Bus Support on behalf of NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)


Tender Published: 27th September 2024 13:35:21 PM   Contracts Finder

NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board invite competitive quotations from suitably qualified and experienced providers for the provision of Women's Health Wellness on Wheels (WoW) Bus Support The key aims of the project are to: • Listen to women's views and gather insights from experiences, in order to better understand barriers to healthcare access and potential solutions. • Respond to issues immediately arising from conversations, the Women's health champions will be equipped to provide information and signpost to relevant organisations that may be able to address issues raised. • Signpost and facilitate access to primary, community and specialist services as indicated. • Promote and facilitate access to services available on the WoW Bus We are looking for a provider or a consortium of providers to work in partnership with the ICB and public health and • Have connections/existing relationships with women living and working with communities in areas of higher deprivation. • Have an excellent understanding of different protected characteristics and how this affects people's experiences of health and care. • Have excellent understanding of barriers to health faced by women living in Core20 areas. • Understand local community groups and where communities congregate and to engage with people within their own settings (outreach outside of the areas reached by the WoW Bus) • Have a proven track record in demonstrating impact by capturing and evidencing of the work undertaken. • Provide a women's health champion to accompany the Bus, with the appropriate skills to engage women successfully in health conversations. • The Women's health champion will undertake relevant training to support women's health conversations and [...]

1848 Serious Mental Illness Health checks Outreach in Luton for BLMK ICB


Tender Published: 25th September 2024 16:42:59 PM   Contracts Finder

Provision of Mental Illness Health checks Outreach in Luton for NHS Bedfordshire, Luton & Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board The SMI Outreach Project aims to address the health inequality faced by people living with severe mental illness (SMI) in Bedfordshire. The life expectancy for individuals with SMI is 15-20 years shorter than the general population, and this disparity is partly due to physical health needs being neglected. The project is intended to improve the physical health of people with SMI and increase their uptake of physical health checks and health screening through a tailored outreach service. This service is aimed at those who have not routinely engaged with their GP practice. Work to address this inequality is part of Core20Plus5, NHS England's flagship approach for tackling health inequalities. To register your interest, please follow the link below, and search for the project reference as detailed: Project Reference: C309063 Project Name: 1849 Mental Illness Health checks Outreach in Luton for NHS BLMK ICB. Additional information: To express interest and participate in the tender, please register and apply via Atamis e-sourcing portal Should Tenderers have any queries, or having problems using the portal, they should contact Helpdesk at: Phone: 0800 9956035 E-mail: [...]

1849 Serious Mental Illness Health checks Outreach in Milton Keynes for BLMK ICB


Tender Published: 25th September 2024 16:21:19 PM   Contracts Finder

Provision of Mental Illness Health checks Outreach in Milton Keynes for NHS Bedfordshire, Luton & Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board The SMI Outreach Project aims to address the health inequality faced by people living with severe mental illness (SMI) in Bedfordshire. The life expectancy for individuals with SMI is 15-20 years shorter than the general population, and this disparity is partly due to physical health needs being neglected. The project is intended to improve the physical health of people with SMI and increase their uptake of physical health checks and health screening through a tailored outreach service. This service is aimed at those who have not routinely engaged with their GP practice. Work to address this inequality is part of Core20Plus5, NHS England's flagship approach for tackling health inequalities. To register your interest, please follow the link below, and search for the project reference as detailed: Project Reference: C309063 Project Name: 1849 Mental Illness Health checks Outreach in Milton Keynes for NHS BLMK ICB. Additional information: To express interest and participate in the tender, please register and apply via Atamis e-sourcing portal Should Tenderers have any queries, or having problems using the portal, they should contact Helpdesk at: Phone: 0800 9956035 E-mail: [...]

1847 Mental Illness Health checks Outreach in Bedfordshire for NHS BLMK ICB


Tender Published: 20th September 2024 14:51:22 PM   Contracts Finder

Provision of Mental Illness Health checks Outreach in Bedfordshire for NHS Bedfordshire, Luton & Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board The SMI Outreach Project aims to address the health inequality faced by people living with severe mental illness (SMI) in Bedfordshire. The life expectancy for individuals with SMI is 15-20 years shorter than the general population, and this disparity is partly due to physical health needs being neglected. The project is intended to improve the physical health of people with SMI and increase their uptake of physical health checks and health screening through a tailored outreach service. This service is aimed at those who have not routinely engaged with their GP practice. Work to address this inequality if part of Core20Plus5, NHS England's flagship approach for tackling health inequalities. To register your interest, please follow the link below, and search for the project reference as detailed: Project Reference: C308373 Project Name: 1847 Mental Illness Health checks Outreach in Bedfordshire for NHS BLMK ICB Additional information: To express interest and participate in the tender, please register and apply via Atamis e-sourcing portal Should Tenderers have any queries, or having problems using the portal, they should contact Helpdesk at: Phone: 0800 9956035 E-mail: [...]

TD2166 - Measured term contract for Hard Landscape Maintenance and Minor Works on Parks and Play Areas


Tender Published: 20th September 2024 07:48:17 AM   Find a Tender Service

Derby City Council (the Council) is undertaking this procurement to establish a measured term contract for hard landscape maintenance and minor works on parks and play areas. The procurement process adopted by the Council is based on the 'Open' tendering procedure as detailed in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The initial contract period is 3 years; the contract is estimated to commence 23/12/2024 and expire 22/12/2027. There will be an option to extend the contract for 2 years in annual increments. There is a maximum budget of £500,000 for the full five years. Please note suppliers wishing to express interest and obtain the documentation must do so by 14:00 on Sunday 20th October 2024. It is recommended that you express interest and obtain the documentation well before this time to allow sufficient time to prepare and submit a bid. The deadline for returns is 14:00 on Monday 21st October 2024. Documents are available at ( Please search for TD2166 or DN741781. Please note: we will only accept expressions of interest through the e-tendering system. [...]

TD2166 - Measured term contract for Hard Landscape Maintenance and Minor Works on Parks and Play Areas


Tender Published: 20th September 2024 07:42:40 AM   Contracts Finder

Derby City Council (the Council) is undertaking this procurement to establish a measured term contract for hard landscape maintenance and minor works on parks and play areas. The procurement process adopted by the Council is based on the 'Open' tendering procedure as detailed in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The initial contract period is 3 years; the contract is estimated to commence 23/12/2024 and expire 22/12/2027. There will be an option to extend the contract for 2 years in annual increments. There is a maximum budget of £500,000 for the full five years. Please note suppliers wishing to express interest and obtain the documentation must do so by 14:00 on Sunday 20th October 2024. It is recommended that you express interest and obtain the documentation well before this time to allow sufficient time to prepare and submit a bid. The deadline for returns is 14:00 on Monday 21st October 2024. Documents are available at ( Please search for TD2166 or DN741781. Please note: we will only accept expressions of interest through the e-tendering system. Additional information: Please note suppliers wishing to express interest and obtain the documentation must do so by 14:00 on Sunday 20th October 2024. It is recommended that you express interest and obtain the documentation well before this time to allow sufficient time to prepare and submit a bid. The deadline for returns is 14:00 on Monday 21st October 2024. Documents are available at ( Please search for TD2166 or DN741781. Please note: we will only accept expressions of interest through the e-tendering system. [...]

For the provision of a Family Time Service


Tender Published: 18th September 2024 14:32:08 PM   Contracts Finder

Derby City Council is seeking a Provider to deliver a flexible and effective Family Time Service across and outside of Derby on behalf of its People Services Directorate. The Provider is required to deliver a good quality Family Time Service that is safe (physically and mentally) for the children and young people and enables the child/young person and their families to build safe and positive relationships for the future. Family Time is court ordered supervised contact resulting from a Care Order which grants the Authority shared Parental Responsibility for a child/young person, with their parents (post-court). Family Time must be planned to meet the specific aims of the court ordered contact, taking into account any particular requirements and timescales. Supervised Family Time usually takes place after school hours and during school holidays. It is vital that the Provider can respond to fluctuating levels of service requests, especially during weekdays 3.00pm to 6.30pm, Saturdays, school holidays and throughout the day, depending on demand. The initial contract term will be one year, with the option to extend by a further 12 months. Additional information: Please note suppliers wishing to express interest and obtain the documentation must do so by 11.30pm on Sunday 20th October 2024. It is recommended that you express interest and obtain the documentation well before this time to allow sufficient time to prepare and submit a bid. The deadline for returns is 10.00am on Monday 21st October 2024. Documents are available at Please search for TD2165 - DN730737 Please note: we will [...]

1,279 results - Page 1

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