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992 results - Page 1

Kent Public Services Network (KPSN)


TenderUpdate Published: 26th September 2024 13:15:48 PM   Find a Tender Service

Kent County Council have appointed Capita Business Services Ltd via the YPO/NEPO 976 'Network Connectivity and Telecommunication Solutions framework' to provide Kent Public Services Network (KPSN) Services on a 4 year contract with an optional 3 year extension available. [...]

MBC - Cleansing and Maintenance of Public Conveniences, Staff Welfare Facilities and Mote Park Community Space


Tender Published: 23rd September 2024 16:14:25 PM   Contracts Finder

Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is looking to procure a service provider to undertake the regular cleansing and maintenance of all the Council owned public conveniences, the staff welfare faculties located at Sutton Road Cemetery and Mote Park and the Mote Park community space. The service provider will be provided with the required specification for each faculty. Lots: There is a requirement to separate these required works into two separate lots. Tenderers with the required skills and experience are eligible to bid for any combination of lots. Lot 1 - Unattended facilities Lot 2 - Attended Facilities Key Dates & Timeline for Procurement Tender release: Monday 23rd September 2024 Expression of Interest Deadline: 12:00pm Monday 21st October 2024 Deadline for submission of completed tenders: 12:00pm Monday 28th October 2024 Evaluation: w/c Monday 28th October 2024 Appointment of contractor: w/c Monday 11th November 2024 Contract Start Date: 1st December 2024 [...]

MBC - Cleansing and Maintenance of Public Conveniences, Staff Welfare Facilities and Mote Park Community Space


Tender Published: 23rd September 2024 16:12:45 PM   Find a Tender Service

Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is looking to procure a service provider to undertake the regular cleansing and maintenance of all the Council owned public conveniences, the staff welfare faculties located at Sutton Road Cemetery and Mote Park and the Mote Park community space. The service provider will be provided with the required specification for each faculty. Lots: There is a requirement to separate these required works into two separate lots. Tenderers with the required skills and experience are eligible to bid for any combination of lots. Lot 1 – Unattended facilities Lot 2 – Attended Facilities Key Dates & Timeline for Procurement Tender release: Monday 23rd September 2024 Expression of Interest Deadline: 12:00pm Monday 21st October 2024 Deadline for submission of completed tenders: 12:00pm Monday 28th October 2024 Evaluation: w/c Monday 28th October 2024 Appointment of contractor: w/c Monday 11th November 2024 Contract Start Date: 1st December 2024 [...]

SS14 142 (24-26) - Older Persons Residential Care, Nursing Care and Respite Care services


Tender Published: 23rd September 2024 09:47:40 AM   Find a Tender Service

The purpose of the Service is to provide accommodation, care, support and stimulation to those people in the client group for whom it is not appropriate, either in the short or longer term, to live in their own homes. The Service Provider should offer Residents the opportunity to enhance their quality of life by providing a safe, manageable and comfortable home environment. [...]

CN240148 - Care and Support in the Home (CSiH) Services - Children's Services


TenderUpdate Published: 19th September 2024 10:04:19 AM   Find a Tender Service

Prior Information Notice, for the purpose of inviting interested providers participate in Market Engagement event(s). The Council has a statutory duty to provide services to those requiring care. In respect of Disabled Children and Young People (DCYP) this is under the Children Act 1989, section 17. The intended services will provide support to disabled children, young people (up the age of 18 years) and their families in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: • Achieving outcomes agreed upon in the Child Support Plan or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) • Supporting personal care and hygiene • Assisting family members with tasks related to the child or young person • Promotion of well being and safeguarding • Promoting independence • Breaks from caring, for parents/carers The intended framework will need to respond to the current needs and demands in relation to disabled children and young people’s domiciliary care needs in Kent. The current framework is not fit for purpose and we are keen to explore the reasons for this with providers who are working across the county, with the aim of developing a new model that works for both the Local Authority and any providers who may wish to be part of it. Kent County Council intend on holding a series of workshops to explore the various options available and to give providers an opportunity to help to shape the new service. PLEASE NOTE That this Market Engagement Event will take place on 24th September from 11am-12pm. [...]

SC240053.1 -Place Based Local Stop Smoking Service


Tender Published: 18th September 2024 13:18:41 PM   Find a Tender Service

This is a procurement carried out under the Provider Selection Regime 2023 - Route 3 Competitive Procedure On 4 October 2023, the government published Stopping the start: our new plan to create a smokefree generation, which considered the recommendations detailed in the independent review and sets out the proposed actions the government will take to tackle smoking and youth vaping. To help reach the Smokefree 2030 ambition, the government is committing additional funding of £70 million per year for local authority led stop smoking services and support. This will more than double the current local authority spend on stop smoking services of £68 million per year to a total of £138 million and meets the independent review recommendation for increased investment. In total the funding will aim to support around 360,000 people to quit with 198,000 successful quits (measured as four-week quits). From this funding, the Council is seeking to reduce the amount of people smoking through increasing engagement with smokers from priority groups (identified by The Council’s Tobacco Control Needs Assessment), in line with the conditions of the Local Stop Smoking Services and Support Grant 2024-2025. List of priority groups this service will target: • Routine and manual workers • Long term sick and unemployed • Social housing tenants • People in the community with mental health issues • Ethnic minority groups • LGBTQ+ community • People experiencing homelessness • People supported by the Criminal Justice System • Smokers in substance misuse treatment services • Young people who smoke and vape (aged 12-25) The overall aim of the Service is to increase the number of [...]

Black/Brown Mothers Peer Support Group Contract Reference: SN240144


Tender Published: 18th September 2024 09:43:04 AM   Find a Tender Service

This is being procured under PSR Route 3- Competitive Procedure. KCC are looking to procure a provider to deliver a pilot programme of peer support groups for up to 10 Black women in each of Dartford and Gravesham, Kent. In addition, the group would aim to provide information on the services (in particular supporting maternal mental health, infant health and infant feeding) on offer for mothers in Dartford and Gravesham. The pilot programme is expected to commence on 31 October 2024 and complete 31 March 2025. The budget for this programme is based on funding from the KCC’s Family Hubs programme grant. It is expected that the programme will meet the following outcomes for Black/Brown mothers: • Feeling safer when interacting with the health system more widely • Reported improvements in black/brown mothers mental health • Improvements in their infants mental health • Report being more aware of the services that are available to them, particularly with regards to their mental health. • Felt more confident to access support and knew when and how to access support and know who to ask if they are not sure. • Felt they had made strong relationships with other mothers The programme will need to: • Be a culturally relevant peer support programme co-designed with Black mothers to address maternal (mental health) needs • Be delivered weekly, for 1.5 to 2 hours per week until March 2025 for up to 10 mothers at each of a community venue in Dartford and Gravesham. • Empower women from these communities to advocate for their maternal health rights through education • Include a diversity of staff representing the target population • Collaborate [...]

SC250102 - Bean Road Tunnel


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 14:51:31 PM   Contracts Finder

Kent County Council (KCC) is the largest local authority in England covering an area of 3,500 square kilometres. It has an annual expenditure of over £1bn on goods and services and a population of 1.6m. The Council provides a wide range of personal and strategic services on behalf of its residents, operating in partnership with the NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group, 12 district councils, and 289 parish/town councils. KCC consists of four directorates: - Adult Social Care and Health; - Children, Young People and Education; - Growth, Environment and Transport; and - Strategic and Corporate Services. This service is being commissioned on behalf of the Growth, Environment and Transport directorate. The scheme requires the construction of a new tunnel on the Bead Road in Kent. Fastrack Bean Road Tunnel is broadly a new 75m long tunnel (technically an underpass due to short length) through the chalk spine under the B255 Bean Road between Whitecliffe (former Eastern Quarry) and Bluewater Shopping Centre, serving to directly connect the shopping centre to the new Whitecliffe development and Ebbsfleet International Railway Station. It will form part of the Fastrack bus rapid transit system within Kent Thameside. The tunnel will house a 3.5m wide Bi-directional Fastrack busway linking Whitecliffe and Bluewater, as well as providing a combined footway / cycleway and footway linking the Whitecliffe and Bluewater as part of the Ebbsfleet Garden City green corridor network. Project value is £25.5m with construction cost budget of circa. £20.43m For any Supplier who wishes to apply, the tender documentation is available via the Kent Business Portal ( The [...]

SC250102 - Bean Road Tunnel


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 14:50:57 PM   Find a Tender Service

Kent County Council (KCC) is the largest local authority in England covering an area of 3,500 square kilometres. It has an annual expenditure of over £1bn on goods and services and a population of 1.6m. The Council provides a wide range of personal and strategic services on behalf of its residents, operating in partnership with the NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group, 12 district councils, and 289 parish/town councils. KCC consists of four directorates: - Adult Social Care and Health; - Children, Young People and Education; - Growth, Environment and Transport; and - Strategic and Corporate Services. This service is being commissioned on behalf of the Growth, Environment and Transport directorate. The scheme requires the construction of a new tunnel on the Bead Road in Kent. Fastrack Bean Road Tunnel is broadly a new 75m long tunnel (technically an underpass due to short length) through the chalk spine under the B255 Bean Road between Whitecliffe (former Eastern Quarry) and Bluewater Shopping Centre, serving to directly connect the shopping centre to the new Whitecliffe development and Ebbsfleet International Railway Station. It will form part of the Fastrack bus rapid transit system within Kent Thameside. The tunnel will house a 3.5m wide Bi-directional Fastrack busway linking Whitecliffe and Bluewater, as well as providing a combined footway / cycleway and footway linking the Whitecliffe and Bluewater as part of the Ebbsfleet Garden City green corridor network. Project value is £25.5m with construction cost budget of circa. £20.43m [...]

Maidstone Grammar School for Girls - Catering Tender


Tender Published: 17th September 2024 11:05:12 AM   Find a Tender Service

The supplier is to provide excellent catering services at Maidstone Grammar School for Girls [...]

992 results - Page 1

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